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词汇 risk takers
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risk taker───敢于冒险者;风险承担者


risk managers───风险经理

brush makers───刷子制造商

risk factors───危险因素

aerial tankers───空中加油机



They are the risk takers who provide us with the necessities of everyday life.───他们是风险的承担着,给予我们日常生活所需要的必需品。

But there are plenty of reasons for risk-takers to salivate over the region.───但是仍然有许多理由让这些风险家们对这个地区垂涎三尺。

In fact, not only do virtually all traders make this assumption, but most traders take pride in thinking of themselves as risk-takers.───实际上,不但几乎所有的交易者都这么想,而且大部分交易者会很骄傲地把自己当作接受风险的人。

The gamblers and risk-takers turned south on the California Trail over the Sierra Nevada, ready to strike it big or not at all.───而赌徒和冒险家却在岔路口拐向南方走上了加州小道,翻越内华达山脉,准备好要么发大财要么一无所有。

For many monetary risk-takers, starting an affair may be another way of satisfying their urges without breaking the bank.───对于那些嗜赌成性的人来说,婚外情是一个既可以满足自身欲望,又不至于花费过大的方式。

Over the years, the old nine holes to its mythic and complex landscape attract many risk-takers into spoiled for choice.───多年来,九老洞以它神奇的传说和复杂的地貌吸引着不少冒险者进去一饱眼福。

At times like this, the temptation is for tighter controls to rein in risk-takers, so that those regular, painful crashes could be avoided.───情形往往是这样子的:为了规避定期而痛苦的金融波动,不惜收紧控制来制约风险投机者。

The bottom line is that Wall Street is uniquely risky--but that doesn't mean the risk takers have to be uniquely compensated to match.───底线在于,华尔街的确具有独特的风险——但这并不意味着对冒险者们必须给予独特的报酬补偿。

A small number of property companies are also listed on the Alternative Investment Market (Aim) but only risk-takers tend to seek them out.───还有少数地产公司也在另类投资市场(AlternativeInvestmentMarket)上市,但往往只有冒险家才会关注。


Intellectual risk takers are the life blood of our school system and provide the vision which we so much need.

  • risks of colonoscopy procedure
  • riskily close
  • risk doing
  • risked his life
  • risk management
  • risk takers
  • risk your neck
  • risk to do
  • risk buy
  • risk premium




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