

词汇 right through
释义 right through
right through发音



get through───通过;到达;做完;接通电话;度过,熬过(困难时期等)

got through───v.结束,通过

rush through───快速通过;仓促完成

rust through───锈透

sit through───v.一直挺到结束;耐着性子看完

thought through───彻底地想清楚

rushed through───快速通过;仓促完成


We'll be working right through to the summer.───我们会一直工作到夏季。

The article had been authored by Raymond Kennedy. He read it right through, looking for any scrap of information that might have passed him by.───这篇文章是由雷蒙德·肯尼迪写的。他从头一直读到尾,寻找任何可能遗漏的点滴信息。

Most people can see right through that type of subterfuge.───大多数人一眼就能看穿这种遁词。

Now it had a bullet-hole right through the middle of it.───现在在它中间有一个子弹孔正好穿过。

Care to explain? Because testing have been done and Zhang Ma Dao has no problem cutting right through the best plate armours of Europe.───能解释一下你的话么?因为根据测试的结果,战马刀在切碎欧洲最好板甲方面完全没问题。

How did the people at the synagogue react to Jesus at the end of His address? 30But he walked right through the crowd and went on his way.───在耶稣的讲话结束时会堂里的人是如何回应他的?4:30他却从他们中间直行,过去了。

They must have been given the right through group memberships, and they re only allowed to see certain types of files.───他们必须通过组成员关系进行授权,并且只被允许查看特定类型的文件。

She said strange men burrowed into the apartment after dark, right through the door, the chest of drawers and the armchairs.───她说,有些奇怪的男子趁着天黑穿过大门,衣柜和扶手椅子,潜入她的公寓。

Well, he just held up his hands like this, see? And the blade cut right through the ropes.───好吧,他只是像这样抬起手,看?然后大力刚好切断绳子.。


The bullet made a hole right through his chest.

The icy wind cut right through us.

I got most answers right through sheer chance.

The rain had penetrated right through his skin.

We both slept right through the storm.

He slept right through the day.

Rain has penetrated right through his coat.

Racism runs right through society.

The tyre's flat-the nail has gone right through.

  • right right right
  • right handedness mystery
  • right on time
  • right in the middle of
  • right nowwhat a day
  • right hand numb
  • right job
  • right sort
  • right order
  • right through
  • right as rain
  • righted synonym
  • right you are
  • right ascension
  • right love
  • rights reserved
  • rightfully theirs
  • right leg
  • right whale
  • rightly right
  • right road




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