required course───n.必修课程
degree courses───学位课程
lecture courses───讲座课程
refresher courses───进修课程;复习课程;在职训练课程
belted course───[建]带状层;束带层,带层
degree course───学位课程
lecture course───讲座课程
race courses───跑马道;赛马场
requiem masses───追思弥撒曲
Students must, however, complete the MPAC prerequisites and all of the required courses for each degree.───学生必须然而,完成MPAC的先决条件和所有需要的课程,每一个学位。
Besides the required courses, I'm taking an elective in the Lab Science.───除必修科目外,选修科目我选了实验科学。
Teaches Physical Education required courses: Basketball, Volleyball, Handball, Track and Field, and Physical Conditioning.───任教体育必修科目包括: 篮球 、 排球 、 手球 、 田径及体能锻练.
We have 8 required courses in the third year.───我们三年级的时候有八门必修课.
Teaches Physical Education required courses: Track and Field, Swimming, Basketball, Table Tennis and Physical Conditioning.───任教体育必修科目包括: 田径 、 游泳 、 篮球 、 乒乓球及体能锻练.
What are some of the required courses in American universities?───现在我们请英文老师用慢速度再把整段文章念一遍.
What are the required courses for us? What grades do we need to get passed?───我们的必修科目是什么? 需要达到多少分数才算通过 呢 ?
I've completed all my required courses and I'm really to take the oral exam?───我已经学完了全部必修课,随时可以接受口试.
Besides the required courses, I'm taking an elective in computer.───除了必修课外, 我正在选修电脑课.
But it is not easy to complete all the required courses and get enough credits to earn an associate or bachelor's degree.───但为了获得准学士学位或学士学位就得完成所有的必修课程,挣到足够的学分,那却是很难的。
I have 9 required courses and 3 electives this semester.───我这个学期有9门必修课,3门选修课.
And you are raise other required courses to us directly.───如果有其他课程的需求,请直接同我们联络.
Both history and geography are required courses in our middle schools.───历史和地理是我们中学的必修科目.
How many required courses are you taking?───你上几门必修课?
Besides the required courses, I'm taking an elective in computer.
International Economic Law is one of those required courses for postgraduate students majoring in Public International Law.
I've completed all my required courses and I'm really to take the oral exam?
Monitoring tightening bolts questions you will determine whether the technicians of the torque wrench required courses.
Students in these programs have fewer required courses and receive more career guidance to help them design a course sequence.
- required standard
- required time
- required cl
- required to