

词汇 rent from
释义 rent from
rent from发音



kept from───隐瞒;阻止;抑制

rent a room───租一个房间

drew from───从…中得到;从…提取

free from───使摆脱;免于;解放

hear from───收到…的信;受…的批评

keep from───隐瞒;阻止;抑制

rent book───租金簿

rent boy───男妓(非正式)

rent roll───租册


There were seven classes, so we had to rent from the local families.───我们那时有七个班,所以不得不从当地家庭租用房屋。

LISA: That's what I mean. To rent from us, you need to become a member.───莉莎:这正是我说的,你要成为会员才能向我们租。

The personal income tax excludes the imputed rent from owner - occupied housing from taxation.───个人所得税把业主自用住房的估算租金排除在课税范围之外.

Channels help us collect rent from what drives most investors crazy - the relentless swings of the markets.───通道帮助我们在大部分投资者疯狂的时候收房租 —— 市场无情的波动.

If you feel it interested, you may buy or rent from Blockbuster and Hollywood.───如果你感兴趣! 可以去买了看,或向Blockbuster和好莱坞租片公司借阅.

Children were rent from their mothers'arms by the brutal soldiers.───凶残的士兵把孩子们从母亲的怀抱中夺走了.

A channel is typically what you rent from a telephone company.───信道就是你花钱从电话公司所租赁到的东西,这是很典型的.

Infants were rent from their mother's arms.───婴儿从母亲手里被夺走.

Infant were rent from their mother's arms.───婴儿从母亲手里被抢走.

rest comes from passenger fees, parking charges, rent from retailers and so on.───其它利润来自于乘客的费用、停车费、零售店的租金等等。

  • rent out
  • rent to
  • rental rate
  • rented for
  • rental agreement
  • rented apartment
  • rental fee
  • rent from




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