reality show───真人秀;逼真的表演(真实);(根据真实故事制作而成的)社会传真节目
reality checks───现实检查;现状核实
beauty shops───美容院
charity shops───慈善商店
galanty shows───n.影子戏
penalty shots───罚球;罚任意球
reality TVs───真人秀电视
reality check───现实检查;现状核实
result shows───结果显示
The most successful and watchable shows on the mainland are the ones that take western formats, like Pop Idol and other reality shows, and adapt them for the local market.───大陆目前最成功、最有看头的电视节目在形式上大都模仿西方的节目,如《流行偶像》及其他真人秀节目,但做了一些改造以适应本国市场。
People who appear on reality shows have a habit of not seeming real.───出现在真人秀节目的人都有一个习惯,就是表现不真实。
His role is to translate subtitles of sitcoms, dramas and reality shows aired on US television networks.───他的工作是翻译字幕,范围包括美国电视广播公司播出的情景喜剧、戏剧和真人秀。
That I was meant to share it with you My heart my mind my soul Then I open my eyes And all I see reality shows I'm alone.───我真的愿意全心全意的和你分享一切,然而当我睁开眼睛,看到的却是我还是孤单一人。
It was one of the very first reality shows that resulted in great TV and did a lot of good.───这是一个非常现实表明,在伟大的电视,并没有好了很多。
It was one of the very first reality shows which resulted in great TV and did a lot of good.───它是第一的现实表明,在伟大的电视之一,并没有好了很多。
In the '90s MTV began to branch out, debuting reality shows like "The Real World" and adult-oriented cartoons like "Beavis and Butt-Head. "───90年代起MTV开始出现分支内容,比如一些真人秀,象“真实世界”,或者一些面向成人的卡通片,如“瘪四与大坏蛋”。
So they are trying to jazz up their offerings with reality shows or programs modeled on " American Idol. "───他们制作真实节目或者效法“美国偶像”,努力让节目变得更生动些。
I sometimes wonder in this age of reality shows has it become part of the language - the more controversy the more [buzz] it creates.───我有时候会想在这个真实的时代,做秀已经成了语言的一部分——越具争议性的东西就越多人谈论。
Reality shows serve up juicy drama out of human shortcomings.
The reality shows that the route optimization for hazmat transport is one of most effectively measures to reduce transportation risk.
TRL was canceled, and MTV filled the void with reality shows ranging from the spoiled drama-teens of "Laguna Beach" to the bizarre world of "The Osbournes."
- reality check
- reality town
- reality style