

词汇 reaction formation
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reaction formations───[心理]反应形成;反向形成

heat of formation───[化学]生成热;[化学]形成热

heat of formations───[化学]生成热;[化学]形成热

leak information───泄露信息

relay information───中继信息

real-time information───实时信息

beta transformation───β变换

receive information───接收信息

reticular formation───[解剖]网状结构


nuclear essence of man is not a surface phenomenon, not part of a precariously maintained civilized crust of the personality or of a reaction formation.───人的核心本质并不是外表的现象,不是人格的摇摇欲坠的文明的外壳部分,或是反动的形成的部分。

His strict morality is just a reaction formation to hide his sexual drive.───他严格的道德观只是他掩饰性冲动的反应形式.

An interesting example of a reaction formation is one displayed by men who are afraid of any sign of softness, which they equate with feminity , in their make-up.───一个饶有兴味的反向作用例子是,有的男子特别害怕具有任何温柔多情的表现,他们将这视为女性特征。

Maybe this is a reaction formation. People give every effort to make noise in the external world just for the sake of dissembling the desolation and loneliness in our soul.───这或许是个反向形成,人们极力在外部世界制造喧闹,就是为了掩盖内心的凄凉和孤独。


There are three stages during sealed reaction:low sealed reaction stage, transition stage and sealed reaction formation stage(highly sealed reaction stage).

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