radio wave───无线电波
radio valves───无线电真空管;电子管;整流器真空管
radio blares───广播电台
radio taxies───无线电出租车
air waves───无线电波
brain waves───脑电波
radio cabs───无线电驾驶室
radio cars───无线电通讯警车
radio hams───无线电火腿
This high frequency alternating current produces the high frequency radio waves mentioned in the previous chapter.───这种高频交流电流产生前一章提到过的高频无线电波.
Vast amounts of energy, from X-rays right through the spectrum down to radio waves, are escaping into space.───大量的能量,从X光直到无线电电波,都正被泄露到太空中去。
The original current set up by the radio waves is very feeble.───无线电波产生的初始电流很弱.
I work here; turn here; radio waves received here on Earth.───我在这儿工作; 转过来; 这儿总会接受到无线电波的.
The universe is bathed in a sea of radio waves.───宇宙浸泡在无线电波的海洋中.
And straight through your radio waves, it plays and plays.───并且直接通过你的无线电波, 播放着播放着.
The year is 1887, and Heinrich Hertz is generating radio waves.───这是1887年, 31岁的赫兹正在制造无线电波.
radio waves from outer space───来自外层空间的无线电波
The tiny batteries that power them can be recharged by radio waves.───微型电池的供能能通过无线电波充电.
The speed of radio waves is as great as that of light.───无线电波的速度与光波一样快.
Regular repeating actions such as sound waves, light waves, or radio waves have a certain frequency, or number of waves per second.───有规律的重复活动如声波、光波、无线电波都有一个特定的频率,或者说是每秒的波动次数。
But the attraction of radio waves is that are pretty much everywhere.───但是无线电波的吸引力在于它们几乎无处不在.
Do any of these radio waves sweeping through space to the Earth contain a message?───在飞越空间到达地球的这些无线电波中,是否可能有一些电波包含着某一种信息 呢 ?
Their instruments detected very faint radio waves at a frequency of 3 kilohertz.───他们的仪器探测到了频率为3千赫的非常微弱的无线电波。
Radio waves travel in straight lines.───无线电波是直线传播的.
We directed radio waves around the globe.───我们向全球发射无线电波。
Radio waves control everything from cellphones to automatic door openers.───从手机到电动门,几乎所有东西都要由无线电波来控制.
Sound waves, light waves, and radio waves have a certain frequency, or number of waves per second.───声波、光波或无线电波等都有特定的频率,或者说是每秒的波数。
The radar sends out radio waves and listens for echoes from enemy craft.
Radio waves are converted into electrical impulses.
When atmospheric conditions are right, radio waves bounce off the ionosphere and can be received many thousands of miles away.
Radio waves are just one type. Radio waves are all around us.
Radio antennas receive radio waves and change them into electrical signals which are then turned into sound by the speakers.
Sound waves, light waves, and radio waves have a certain frequency, or number of waves per second.
The behavior of light or radio waves is similar.
We directed radio waves around the globe.
These radio waves are coming at 15000 hertz.
- radio play
- radio contact
- radio set
- radio signal
- radio edit
- radio operator
- radio program