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false relations───交错关系

cross relations───交叉关系

labor relations───劳工关系;劳动关系



false relation───交错关系



Race relations in the US continue to be a thorny problem.───美国的种族关系一直是棘手的问题.

In some communities there is a particular need to develop tolerance and improve race relations.───某些社区亟需发扬宽容精神,改善种族关系。

Race relations are good here.───此地种族关系良好.

The conference debated the sensitive issue of race relations.───会议辩论了敏感的种族关系问题.

Race relations are often edgy, but seldom flare into violence.───种族关系时常尖锐化, 但不致引发暴力冲突.

Race relations training and multicultural education are common labels used in the United States.───种族关系培训和多文化教育是在美国常用的名称.

What did he predict about race relations in America after the abolition of slavery?───对于奴隶制废止后美国的种族关系,托克维尔提出了怎样的预期?

Australia has yet to devise a solution to the generic difficulties bedevilling race relations and social deprivation in this country.───澳大利亚还没想出一个解决国家里困扰种族关系和社会剥夺的普遍问题的方法。

Race Relations Acts were passed in 1968 and 1976.───1968年和1976年通过了《种族关系法》。

They accused the paper of biased coverage of race relations.───他们控诉这家报纸存在种族关系方面的片面报导.

Crime has been falling for two decades. Race relations have improved.───二十年来犯罪活动一直在减少,种族关系得到了改善.

Race relations are an explosive issue.───种族关系是一个极易引起争论的问题.

I have sat on the sidelines of race relations Iong enough.───我作为旁观者看着种族关系的发展已经很长时间了.

The mayor's on race relations hit the nail on the head.───市长谈论种族的关系时语言中肯.

It can wreck more important things than race relations.───它能够破坏比种族关系更为重要的东西.

Although rare, the courts have been called on to elaborate the scope of the Race Relations Act before.───尽管这样的案例很罕见,但人们早已要求法院详细规定种族关系法的适用范围。

Singapore's model of race relations is commendable are allowed to be themselves.───新加坡的种族关系模式是值得称道的.

When the delicate and unconscious machinery of race relations slips, there will be murder again.───只要那精密的,无意识的种族关系机器一出故障, 就会再次发生凶杀.

Britain has been slammed by the United Nations for having one of the worst race relations records in the world.───由于在处理种族关系方面的表现位列全世界最糟糕的国家之一,英国遭到了联合国的严厉批评。

The president's talk on race relations hit the ( right ) nail on the head.───总统有关种族的关系的谈话十分中肯.

Three out of four Americans watched Roots, and then the next day could talk about race relations at the water cooler.───每4名美国人中就有3人收看了电视剧《根》,转天他们会在办公室闲谈关于种族关系的话题。

It's been an interesting week for the Race Relations Act.───对《种族关系法》而言,这是很有意思的一个星期.

The Race Relations Board was originally set up in 1965.───种族关系委员会最初建立于1965年.

For Rinke, who grew up in Zimbabwe but has lived here since 1981, the lessons of the past are that race relations need not be a lovefest so long as there is civility.───对于林克这种出生在津巴布韦、但在1981年就生活在南非的人来说,过去的教训标明,种族关系的调和不需要大张旗鼓,只需要和平共处。

Race relations in the USA continue to be a thorny problem.───对于美国来说,一直以来,种族关系恰似如鲠在喉.


We want to improve race relations in this area of town.

Community leaders are working to improve race relations in the city.

Ethnic and race relations; Educational psychology.

Race relations are an explosive issue.

Some Afro-Caribbeans are rejecting the whole race relations industry.

Race relations are good here.

This contravenes the Race Relations Act.

Immigration and race relations were key political issues at the time.

Race relations is a sensitive issue.

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