pyramid schemes───传销
pyramid scheme───金字塔骗局;非法传销
pyramid selling───宝塔式销售;金字塔销售法
perfect shape───完美的外形
For example, the pyramid shaped protrusions 136 May be selected when both rotational and axial forces are encountered.───例如,在遇到转动力和轴向力时,可选择金字塔形突出部136。
On January 28 at 8.40 am multiple witnesses saw a giant pyramid shaped UFO briefly hover above the city of Xi'an.───月28 日8 点40 分,多名目击者看见了一个巨大的金字塔形状的UFO 盘旋在西安上空。
It is hard to claim that pyramid-shaped tea-bags (developed at great expense over four years) have added much to the sum of human happiness.───金字塔状的茶叶包(开发花费巨大且历时超过四年),你很难要求它为人类幸福总和增添什么。
Thymus: Pyramid-shaped lymphoid organ (see lymphoid tissue) Between the Breastbone and the heart.───胸腺:胸骨与心脏之间的角锥形的淋巴器官。
People eat Zongzi, a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice and wrapped in reed leaves, and watch dragon boat competitions.───人们吃粽子,一种角锥形的用粽叶包裹糯米的食物,并观看龙舟比赛。
Passing along a narrow hallway, Brown finally came to a small rectangular room with a pyramid-shaped ceiling.───向前经过一个狭窄的走廊,布朗最后到达有金字塔形天花板的一个小矩形房间里。
On that day , people hold dragon-boat races on the lakes and rivers, and eat zongzi (pyramid-shaped dumplings made of glutinous rice ).───节日的这一天,人们吃粽子(用糯米做成的形状象金字塔的米团),在江湖之中举行龙舟竞赛。
It is hard to claim that pyramid-shaped tea-bags (developed at great expense over four years) have added much to the sum of human happiness.───对于金字塔状的茶叶包(开发花费巨大且历时超过四年),你很难要求它为人类幸福总和增添什么。
The National Park Service says the worst damage is in the pyramid-shaped top.───国家公园管理局表示,受影响最严重的是金字塔形状的顶端。
- pyramidal neurons
- pyramid shaped