

词汇 put on shoes
释义 put on shoes
put on shoes发音



action shots───行进间投篮

put on airs───摆架子;装腔作势

put on to───v.电话接通

toe shoes───芭蕾舞鞋

union shops───工会车间;工人限期加入工会的商店

put on the gloves───戴上手套

out on strikes───罢工


Oh, my poor little feet, I wonder who will put on your shoes and stockings for you now, dears?───噢,我可怜的小脚丫,亲爱的,我想知道现在谁来给你们穿鞋和袜子呢?

Wait until done daydreams, and idly turning body, feeling the table, huh? Or 7:50, don't watch stopped? My heart suddenly hanging up, hurriedly put on shoes, go to the living room.───等到做完了白日梦,再懒懒地翻个身子,摸起表来看,咦?还是7:50,难道手表停了?我的心一下子悬了起来,慌忙穿上鞋,去看客厅的大钟。

I put on shoes, grabbed a jacket, and left with them.───我穿上鞋,抓起一件外套,跟她们走了。

Be sure to put on shoes immediately, to avoid injury from stepping on broken glass and objects.───穿好鞋,以防被玻璃和其他物件所伤。

I immediately put on shoes, flew into the yard, found in chicken coop where the old hen's body under a large, round eggs.───我马上穿上鞋,飞奔到院子里,发现在鸡窝里在老母鸡的身下有一个又大又圆的蛋。

At what point does a person just say "F*ck it, I don't need to put on shoes or pants" ?───什么情况下一个人会大骂“去他妈的,我不需要鞋和裤子?”

Children learn the way to put on shoes by rhyme.───通过儿歌幼儿学习自己穿鞋。

I'm just not feelin' it today. I don't wanna put on shoes. And then go running? Ugh.───我今天感觉什么都不想干。我不想穿鞋子。然后出去跑步!?唷。

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  • put on
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  • put them
  • put on shoes
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  • put about
  • put round
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  • put two
  • put at
  • put on a car




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