

词汇 put on airs
释义 put on airs
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装腔作势,摆架子; 态度傲慢; 拿班做势; 拿架子



put one across───把一个放在对面

put down as───认为;估计

put in for───申请

put in mind───提醒;使记起

put on to───v.电话接通

out on a limb───孤立无援;处于危险的境地

float on air───洋洋自得

put down for───认为;把…视作

put down roots───定居;(到一个新地方)落地生根


Nobody can say I put on airs. I'm actually very humble.───谁也不能说我这人摆架子,事实上我是很谦虚的人.

" Am I good enough to put on airs?'said Miss Tang.───唐小姐道: “ 我们配有架子 么 ?

One should under no circumstances put on airs and graces.───不论在任何情况下都不该装腔作势.

You shouldn't put on airs even if you were in charge.───即便你当头头,也不该摆架子.

I don't like Jane. She's always put on airs.───我不喜欢简. 她总是装腔作势.

She likes to put on airs, which others find very annoying.───她喜欢摆臭架子,招人烦.

Don't put on airs or try to impress anymore.───不要再装模作样,想着要给他人留下印象了.

She had better not put on airs with me. I won't like it.───她最好不要对我摆架子, 我不喜欢那一套.

I didn't like to put on AIRS, and even less to have too many people catering to me.───我不喜欢摆架子,更不愿让人家兴师动众来照顾我。

You can't put on airs and make everyone like you.───你不能装腔作势来让每个人都喜欢你.

He likes to put on airs in front of others most.───他最喜欢在别人面前装腔作势.

We're poor and we never put on airs.───我们贫穷但从不装腔作势。

I didn't like to put on airs, and even less to have too many people catering to me.───我不喜欢摆架子, 更不愿让人家兴师动众来照顾我.

He can't stand for those who put on AIRS.───他不能容忍摆架子的人。

She simply can't stand for those who put on airs.───她简直不能容忍那些摆架子的人.

You will lose friends if you put on AIRS.───你如果装腔作势,就会失去朋友。

The cheat put on airs as if he were a professional engineer.───那个骗子装腔作势,摆出一副工程师的模样.

If you put on airs, people just won't go for it.───你摆架子, 人家就不买你的账.


I hate to see him put on airs.

Bella never put on airs and graces, remaining a real Blackpool girl.

Trudy is always putting on airs.

I don't like Jane. She's always put on airs.

We're poor and we never put on airs.

I hate the way she puts on airs.

He'd no patience with women putting on airs and moaning about the most natural thing in the world.

Don't put on airs or try to impress anymore.

Nobody can say I put on airs.

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