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词汇 below
释义 belowUK:*/bɪˈləʊ/US:/bɪˈloʊ/ ,(bi lō′)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 below prep (lower down than)在…下面,在…下方;低于,…以下The coffee maker is kept below the coffee cups.咖啡壶在咖啡杯下面放着。上红酒时,酒温不应低于室温。usage: ‘underneath’Underneath can be a preposition with a similar meaning to under. We sat at a table underneath some olive trees.Underneath can also be an adverb.Let's pull up the carpet and see what's underneath. below prep (at a lower temperature) (温度)低于,比…低Red wine should not be served below room temperature.低于室温的红酒不宜饮用。 below prep (lower in amount, rate) (数量、价格等)低于…He would not sell it for anything below twenty dollars.低于20美元的话,他说什么也不卖。 below prep (rank: lower than) (职位等)低于,比…低Does a sergeant rank below a colonel?中士的军衔比上校低么? below prep (of lower rank than) (等级、身份地位等)低于,在某级以下She would not speak to anyone who was below her.她不和地位不如她的人说话。 below adv (on a lower floor, downstairs)在楼下I left the hammer below in the cellar.我把锤子落在楼下的酒窖里了。 below adv (temperature: below freezing) (温度)零度以下The temperature in parts of Canada right now is 35 below.加拿大部分地区的气温现已降到零下35度。 其他翻译 below adv (beneath decks)舱板下The flight attendant went below to look for a suitcase with Marie's heart medication.空乘人员在舱板下为玛丽寻找装有心脏药的箱子。 below adv (on Earth) (相对于星空等处于下方)在地面,在下方The stars shine down on us below.群星闪烁,普照着在地面的我们。 below adv (in hell)在地狱The dead man had been cruel and would certainly go below.那个人生前行事残忍,死了肯定下地狱。 below adv (ship: lower deck) (船)在下层甲板The first mate had gone below.大副到下层甲板去了。 below adv (theatre: downstage) (剧院)在(舞)台下面The actor had to walk from below to centre stage.男演员必须从舞台下面走到舞台中间去。 复合形式: as detailed below adv (in the way described further on)详情见后,如下详述Construction of your model airplane should be carried out as detailed below. below average, below-average adj (less good than most)低于平均水平的 below par adj (not up to expected standards)低于预期水平;发挥失常The team produced a below par performance against Manchester United. below par adj informal (unwell) (健康状况)不佳,处于正常水平之下I'm feeling below par today. below standard adj (inferior to expectations)不合格的;不达标准的Sorry, we're going to fire you. Your work has been below standard. below the belt adj figurative (uncalled for, mean)不公正的,不按规矩,暗箭伤人 below the line expr (finance: capital expenditure) (金融:资本支出)线下 below zero adj (colder than freezing)寒冷的,很冷的Christ, it's below zero out there! below zero adv (colder than freezing)零度以下Temperatures in Moscow regularly drop below zero. below-the-line adj (finance: capital expenditures) (金融)线下账目的 down below adv figurative, informal (in Hell)在地狱They should send these evil people down below. down below adv euphemism (in the genital area)在下身Harry's been suffering from problems down below. go below vi + adv (go underneath deck of ship) (指船甲板下方)进入;去;下去The captain gave his crew their instructions, before going below to his cabin. go below [sth] vi + prep (go underneath [sth])到...下面去 here below adv (on earth, in one's earthly life)在世上;尘世间His deep religious faith, and the expectation of an afterlife, enabled him to bear the torment of his life here below. hit below the belt v expr figurative (not be fair or sporting)采用不正当手段;下暗手 see below vi + adv written (refer to text, etc., further down)参见下文;见下 under your breath, below your breath adv (spoken quietly)小声说话;轻声说法




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