

词汇 put it best
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put it there───放在那里

cut it out───停止;省省吧;闭嘴

put it on───夸张;要高价;装腔作势

put to bed───安顿…去睡

put it there!───放在那里

put sth to rest───使某物静止

cut it close───卡点儿(做某事);(金钱上)精打细算


Steve Jobs of Apple put it best in his Commencement address at Stanford in 2005.───史蒂夫 乔布斯很棒地将这一原理运用于他2005年在斯坦福的演讲中。

I think this woman put it best when she told the Observer, "Being naked, warm and squirming with someone in a bed has nothing to do with the Internet."───我想这位女士在《观察家报》上说的话最好了:赤裸并温热的身体还有和某人在床上缠绵,这些都不能在网络上实现。

But success comes down not to inspiration, but perspiration. Winston Churchill put it best.───但成功并不光是灵感闪现,而是努力和汉水。

Paul Getty may have put it best when he said, "If you can count your money, you don't have a billion dollars. "───亿万富翁杰保罗·盖蒂可能对此做出了最好的解释,他说:“如果你算得出你有多少钱,你就没有10亿的财富。”

A post by 'Own Worst Enemy, ' one of the most popular on Sina Weibo, may have put it best: 'It's not easy being Premier. '───新浪微博上由“OwnWorstEnemy”所留的一个热门帖子或许可以最好地总结这种看法,它写道:当总理不容易。

I think he put it best when he said. . .───我认为他最好投入了它当他说…

John Spratt, the current Democratic chairman of the house budget committee, who lost his seat in the mid-terms, put it best.───现任众议院预算委员会民主党主席,中期选举中败北的约翰史普拉特说得最好。

The Roman philosopher Seneca may have put it best 2, 000 years ago: "To be everywhere is to be nowhere. "───2000年前的罗马哲学家塞内卡说得再好不过了:“无所不往就是无所往”。

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  • put it best
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  • put on
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  • put you on
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  • put about
  • put round
  • put put
  • putty download
  • put our fire
  • put faith in
  • put two
  • put at
  • put on a car




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