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词汇 put into words
释义 put into words
put into words发音




not mince words───坦白地说,直言不讳

put in a word for───为…说句话

printed words───印刷文字;打印出来的字

put in for───申请

eat one's words───收回前言;承认错误

portmanteau words───混合词;合并词

content words───实词;内容字;实义词

dirty words───脏字眼,下流语言;不得体的话

eat your words───收回你说的话


sheer joy of these moments is hard to put into words, but I do know one thing: I want them to happen again.───这种时刻纯粹的乐趣是无法用语言表描述的,但我却知道一件事:我想要它们再次发生。

Indeed, you might find it hard to put into words exactly why you like them, but you know you do.───的确,有时候我们很难用言语表达出来为什么你会喜欢他们,但你知道,你就是喜欢。

Cathy Whitaker: It's hard to put into words, really.───凯西·惠特克: 这很难用语言来表达, 真的.

It's impossible to put into words how I feel.───我内心的感受无法以文字表达.

Whitaker : It's hard to put into words, really.───凯西·特克: 这很难用语言来表达, 真的.

Euclid, Euler and all the others discovered and put into words things that were already there.───欧几里德 、 欧拉,以及其他数学家们,只不过是发现了这些规律,加以文字表述而已.

But now that it had been put into words - given life, as it were - it was a palpable, disquieting presence among us.───只是当它被我们说出来时,它仿佛就被赋予了生命般,成为了我们中间一个可触知的令人如坐针毡的存在。

It was too complex to be put into words.───这梦境太复杂了,说不清楚.

What happened as well as it can be put into words, was this.───所发生的情况,如果用言语尽可能表达出来是这样的.

The scene, actually is much more beautiful than can be put into words.───九寨沟风光之美, 实际上百倍于这样的描绘.

What she and her characters leave unsaid is often more important than what they actually put into words.───她和她作品中的角色避而不谈的内容往往比明言的更为重要。

He had something to prove, something that would sound trite if it were put into words.───他已经证实了一些东西, 一些如果讲出来听将会是很平凡的东西.

She put into words what he had felt rather vaguely.───她用语言把他模模糊糊地意识表达出来了.


Once these feelings are put into words, the family is on the road to becoming attached to the newborn.

Clearly linked to language and concepts which we can put into words, attitudes are usually held collectively.

All these thoughts are running through my head that I can't put into words.

It touches some part of us which we can not easily explain or put into words.

Scriptwriters Peter Lewis and Peter Dobereiner decided there should be a character who could put into words what young people were thinking.

That was understood without being put into words.

It is hard to put into words how I feel now.

Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent. Victor Hugo 

Malouf does what only first-rate writers can: he makes you recognise precisely what you have never put into words.

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