

词汇 put about
释义 put about
put about发音


宣称; 散布; (使)烦恼; 改变航向


puts about───散布;转向;使苦恼

just about───几乎,差不多

pull about───v.粗暴对待;把…拖来拖去

push about───杀死;摆布

get about───传开,传播;(病后)走动;旅行;积极参加社会活动

got about───来往于;传遍;在...传开(getabout的过去式)

put out───熄灭;伸出;出版;使不方便,打扰


He was very much put about by the false accusations brought against him.───他为对他的诬告极为苦恼.

It was put about that he was dying.───谣传他已垂危.

The ship was put about during the storm.───在风暴期间,这艘船改变了航向.

shallots and mushrooms into fine dice and put about 75g of butter into the pan. Other fats will do.───洋葱和蘑菇切成方块状,在锅里放入大约75克的黄油,其他动植物油也可以。

The ship put about.───该船改变了航行方向.

They put about and sailed for home.───他们掉转船头返航.

He was put about by politicians and members of the press.───他被政客和部分媒体弄烦了.

We were much put about by the news of his death.───他去世的消息使我们非常难受.

Try grating ginger root with a fine cheese grater or grinding it into a paste. Put about a spoonful into a hot cup of water; let it steep for a few minutes, then drink up.───试试用奶酪研磨器来研磨姜块,或者将其磨成糊状,然后放大约一汤匙姜粉到一杯开水中,浸泡数分钟后,一杯喝光。

Don't believe all these stories that are being put about.───不要相信所有这些谣传.

She was much put about when she realized that she had given the parcel to the wrong person.───当她意识到已把包裹给错了人时十分烦恼.

Rumors were put about online.───谣言在网上散布.

She was much put about.───她心乱如麻.

The boat put about and returned to port.───船掉头返港.

The ship put about.───船改变了航行方向。

Market has improved over the previous closing put about half.───市场交投有所改善,成交较上一交易日放大约一半.

He is much put about by their recent behaviour.───他们近来的行为使他十分焦虑.

He is much put about by this.───这使他非常难过.


They put about and sailed for home.

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