pulled into───(车)进站
pushed in───推进,闯入
ploughed into───投入
pitched into───vt.投入;开始努力工作;猛烈进攻;大吃大嚼
plugged into───把插头插入
bumped into───无意中遇到、碰到
packed into───挤进…里;塞进
Many of the industrialized economies would be pushed into a cycle of stagflation.───许多工业化经济将被推入到一个滞胀的循环中。
One detachment pushed into the eastern suburbs toward the airfield.───一支小分队挺进了东郊往机场去。
I was pushed into a filthy, stinking room.───我被推进一间又脏又臭的屋子里。
Care, namely a not know much scrutiny, and every three, repeatedly pushed into thinking, of his knowledge.───关心,即一次不认识的多查阅,推一举三,反复思考,转化成自己的知识。
No child should ever be pushed into a training program or special school if they do not wish to do so.───倘若儿童不情愿,他就不应该被强迫进行专门训练或进入专业学校学习。
I felt many hands pushing me forwards. 'Here I am, ' I said. I was pushed into the middle of a small circle with the body lying at my feet.───我觉得许多手推着我向前。‘我在这,’我说。我受到簇拥来到小圈的中间,尸体就躺在我脚下。
The more dollars the United States pushed into the system, the more doubt there would be about its ability to back the dollar with gold.───美国向该体系输送的美元越多,其支持美元与黄金挂钩的能力就更值得怀疑。
She looked for hard and slightly gaunt face, just also be in high and vigorous spirits thought he was pushed into the end of the valley.───望着她因操劳而略显憔悴的脸,刚才还意气风发的念头便一下被推入底谷。
Hepaused for a few seconds outside the door and took a deep breath. Then, resigning himself to the ordeal, he pushed into the room.───他在门外站了一会儿,深呼吸了一下,迫使自己接受了即将到来的折磨,推门走了进去。
I was pushed into a filthy, stinking room.
She was pushed into going to university by her parents.
One detachment pushed into the eastern suburbs towards the airfield.
These strange circumstances pushed into prominence the only Catholics who were not banned from attending the meeting.
He was pushed into the path of an oncoming train.
'Do you mind?' she said, as he pushed into the queue in front of her.
The man and his son had been pushed into the line of fire by their captors.
Corn acreage pushed into first place.
He was deliberately pushed into the path of the vehicle.
- pushed into
- pushed toward
- pushed aside
- pushed around
- pushed definition