pressure cookers───n.高压锅;加压蒸汽速煮器
pressure cone───压力锥
pressure cones───压力锥
pressure sore───褥疮
pressure sores───压疮;褥疮
The third analogy is: The pressure cooker.───第三个比喻是: 高压锅.
How would you design a pressure cooker for your mind?───你如何为你的大脑设计一个类似的高压锅?
The pressure cooker works by keeping the air in.───高压锅通过保持气压来运作的.
Over 80,000 Madridistas filled the Santiago Bernab é u stadium capacity , turning it into a real pressure cooker.───超过80,000名的马德里球迷涌入了圣地亚哥.伯纳乌球场, 让伯纳乌成了真正的魔鬼主场.
This giant pressure cooker may lie undisturbed.───这只巨大的高压锅可以安然无事地呆在那里.
Dad pulled a pressure cooker out and filled it up with cabbages, eggplants, potatoes, corns, onions and carrots.───爸爸拿出一个高压锅,盛满了卷心菜、茄子、土豆、玉米、洋葱和胡萝卜。
Allianz Arena will be a pressure cooker.───安联球场就象一个压力锅.
Have you ever tried using a pressure cooker?───你曾试过用压力锅 吗 ?
Mourinho insists the pressure cooker environment at Chelsea is pushing the player upwards.───莫里尼奥坚实认为,在切尔西队的压力环境中,使球员不断进步.
The pressure cooker is very useful for people who go out all day.───压力锅对整天外出的人非常有用。
The pressure cooker exploded , and blew open the ceiling.───爆炸的高压锅炸裂了天花板.
It is something of a pressure cooker letting off steam environment , he added.───这就像一个正在释放蒸汽的高压锅.
Pressure cooker pick my brain and tell me I'm insane.───压力煎熬着我的大脑,告诉我我疯狂了.
You need to buy a pressure cooker.───你需要买一个高压锅.
Dad pulled out a pressure cooker and filled it up with cabbages, eggplants, potatoes, corns, onions and carrots.───爸爸拿出一个高压锅,往里面装满了卷心菜、茄子、土豆、玉米、洋葱和胡萝卜。
The pressure cooker reduces the cooking time.───高压锅缩短烹饪时间.
The salesman demonstrated how to cook with a pressure cooker.───这个推销员当众表演如何用压力锅煮东西.
Electric Fan, Pressure Cooker, Ventilating fan.───电风扇, 压力锅, 排风机,电暖器,锅子.
Let's stew pork with the pressure cooker.───我们用高压锅炖肉吃吧.
The present invention belongs to a household seal automatic electric pressure cooker.───本发明属家用全密封自动电热压力烹饪器具.
- pressure adj
- pressurehead tour
- pressure sores
- pressure drop
- pressured strokes