presser feet───压脚;压布靴
pressed felt───压榨毛毯
press fit───[力]压配合
press report───新闻报道
press room───印刷车间;新闻中心;新闻发布室;记者招待室
pressed on───强加于;向前推进
presses on───强加于;向前推进
pressure point───[生理]压点;施压止血点;压痛点
Let the machine draw the chiffon under the presser foot all by itself.───让这台机器的雪在压脚全靠自己.
Press the lever on the back of the foot holder. The presser foot will drop off.───向前推压布脚支架背面的杆, 压布脚会压下.
The quantity of presser foot feed can be micro - adjustablemicroadjustable accurately to ensure high quality.───送布牙之送料量的差动比可精确微调,确保车缝品质的完善.
Lower the presser foot and complete the seam.───放下压脚并完成缝纫。角完成了。
The pressure of the presser foot is too low.───压脚压力弱.
Raise the presser foot. The needle is now holding sections on the corner point.───抬起压脚. 针正好插在裁片上标明的角尖上.
thread trimmer, reverse-feed and presser foot lift.───线、倒缝、拨线提升压脚功能。
Changed the depend side and roller presser foot, can sew California shoes.───将靠边及轮钱配件组换, 即可选择车缝拉帮或加州鞋型.
control device raises the intermittent presser foot.───控制装置抬起间歇压脚。
The overlock machine uses a foot pedal to raise and lower the presser foot.
Let the machine draw the chiffon under the presser foot all by itself.
Changing Needle Raise the needle by turning the balance wheel toward you and lower the presser foot.
Holding the ripstop at the rear as well as the front of the presser foot helps to keep any location keys together.