廉价,对买主有利的价格; 特价
bargain prices───[物价]廉价
bargain bin───折价商品区(非正式)
bargain bins───折价商品区(非正式)
bargain sale───大减价;廉价出售
target price───[物价]目标价格;指标价格
farm gate price───农场门市价
bargain hunter───四处觅购便宜货的人;杀价购买股票的投机商
starting price───赛马或赛狗开始时生效的投注赔率
striking price───n.定约价;协定价格,履约价格
Edward: Well , the company I'm buying this week can be a bargain price but one billion.───爱德华: 我这个星期要买的公司也是个便宜货,但价格是十亿.
Have bargain price, Zhou You every day pleasantly surprised, your presence is welcomed.───天天有特价, 周周有惊喜, 欢迎您的光临.
These carpets are for sale at a bargain price.───这些地毯以优惠价出售.
They bought a house at bargain price.───他们买了一套很便宜的房子.
This is already the bargain price.───这已经是处理价了!
I took my chances based on a good review, a great location and a bargain price.───在阅读了有关评论文章后, 我被其良好的地理位置和不错的钱吸引住了,于是我决定碰碰运.
He bought a set of furniture at a bargain price.───他以低廉的价格买了一套家具.
The opportunity to take an equity position at a bargain price has been missed.───以廉价获得股权的时机已经错失。
- bargainer trilogy
- bargains are ours
- bargains unlimited
- bargained define
- bargaineering blog
- bargained for consideration
- bargaineer paper
- bargain away
- bargainor definition
- bargained def
- bargainer role
- bargained syn
- bargained box
- bargainor vs bargainer