prayer meeting───n.祈祷会
keep a person guessing───让别人猜
Prayer of Manasses───玛纳斯祈祷
a mixed blessing───福祸兼俱;喜忧参半
mixed blessing───有好处也有坏处的事
power dressing───专业化穿着;(显示身份、权力的)穿着
Above all, he leaves his children his prayers and the blessing of a prayer-hearing God, and these make our offspring to be favored among the sons of men.───重要的是,他们为孩子们的祷告,以及上帝所赐之福,使得孩子们,能出类拔萃。
various liturgies abound in prayers of blessing and epiclesis asking God's grace and blessing on the new couple, especially the bride.───不同的礼仪传统都有很多的祝福婚姻及呼求圣神祷词,祈求天主在新婚夫妇,尤其在新娘身上赐予祂的恩宠和祝福。
We read from Scripture, we prayed prayers of blessing, we cried, and we hugged.───我们一起读经,为他祝祷,为他哭泣,互相拥抱。
- prayers of blessing