

词汇 post office box
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post-office box───邮政信箱

post office boxes───邮政信箱

post-office boxes───邮政信箱

post office───n.邮局;美国邮政局

post offices───邮局(postoffice的复数)

out of the box───创造性地;立即可用的;内存不足


office boy───小弟;工友

stuffing box───[机]填料函


Can I rent a post office box?───我可以租用一个邮箱吗?

This is not a Post Office Box!───这不是一个邮政局信箱!

It was traced back to a post office box in Hull registered to Sheppard.───由此追踪到一个位于赫尔市的一个注册在斯帕得名下的邮箱.

An overseas address,'care of'address or post office box number is not acceptable.───海外地址 、 [转交]地址及邮政信箱号码恕不接受.

From a post office you can rent a post office box to receive your mail.───你可以从邮局租到一个邮政专用信箱,用来收你的信件.

True faith drops its letter in the post office box, and lets it go.───真信心把信件投在邮箱里以后, 就让它去了.

He produced 1000 leaflets tagged with his phone number and a post office box number.───他做了一千份标有他的电话号码和邮箱号码的传单。

If you want the letter delivered to a post office box, place the P . O.───正文地址包括下面的一些或所有内容:地址,收信人头衔,公司名称,街道名称, 城市,州名和邮政编码.

A post office box number is not acceptable.───邮政信箱是不接受的。

I'd like a post office box.───我想租个邮政信箱.


True faith drops its letter in the post office box, and lets it go.

This is not a Post Office Box!

An overseas address,'care of'address or post office box number is not acceptable.

I'd like a post office box.

If you want the letter delivered to a post office box, place the P . O.

Sentencedict.com is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

From a post office you can rent a post office box to receive your mail.

Can I rent a post office box?

He sells it on advance through a post office box.

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  • post office




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