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词汇 postal clerk
释义 postal clerk
postal clerk发音




postal card───n.明信片(同postcard)

postal meters───邮资计算器

postal orders───汇票,汇单(postalorder的名词复数)

postal cards───n.明信片(同postcard)

postal carriers───邮递员

postal code───邮政编码,邮递区号

postal codes───邮政编码,邮递区号

postal meter───邮资计算器

postal order───n.邮政汇票


Do like Sandra did, and use Modern English to talk to the postal clerk!───那么像Sandra那样,用一些现代英语来和邮局工作人员谈话。

And ended up asking the postal clerk if he was deaf, rather than if he was sure.───最终他问邮政办事员[是否是聋子],而不是他[是否肯定]。

Postal clerk: How long do you want the subscription for?───邮局职员: 你需要订多久?

Postal clerk: This rate is one percent. That will be 10 Yuan.───邮局职员: 是百分之一. 就是十元.

Postal clerk: Let me check. Yes. Your one thousand remittance, please.───邮局职员: 我看看, 可以了. 请给我您的一千元汇款.

Postal clerk: Yes. You must put on its name and full address.───邮局职员: 是的.您必须填写它的名称和完整地址.

Postal clerk: I see.───邮局职员: 知道了.

Postal clerk 1 : Oh, we only take care of mail.───邮局职员 1: 哦, 我们只负责信件.

Postal clerk measured the letter say: " Postage needs 98 yuan. "───邮局工作人员把信量了一下说: “ 邮费需要98元. ”

Why doesn't a fireman earn more than a postal clerk, for example?───比如说,消防队员为什么就不能比邮局职员挣得多一点 呢 ?

POSTAL CLERK: Write it down.───邮局职员: 写下来.

Postal clerk: Generally it will arrive within a week.───邮局职员: 一般来说,一周之内就会到.

POSTAL CLERK: Well, put it down. I have to weigh it first.───邮局职员: 好, 放在这里. 我得先称一下.

Postal clerk: What magazine do you want to subscribe for?───邮局职员: 你想订什么杂志?

Postal clerk: Good morning, may I help you?───邮局职员: 早上好, 请问有什么可以帮您?

Postal clerk 2 : OK, please fill out this form.───邮局职员 2: 好的, 请填一下这张单子.

When the postal clerk delivers your order, check the carton before signing for it.───你订购的货物由邮政人员送达时,要先检查一下包装盒再签收。

a postal clerk, he grew up in a Brooklyn housing project and worked his way out via Harvard and Harvard Law.───他出生于一个邮政工人家庭,在布鲁克林的廉租房长大,半工半读地从哈佛大学本科和哈佛大学法学院毕业。

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