

词汇 pea soup
释义 pea soup
pea soup发音



pea soups───干碗豆汤;浓豌豆汤


hearty soup───丰盛的汤

packet soup───小包汤

pea coal───[矿物]粒煤,小块煤;榧子煤

pea coat───海员扣领短上衣


peak hours───n.高峰时间



caricature of a man which Moldorf first presents. Thyroid eyes. Michelin lips. Voice like pea soup.───莫尔·多夫首先显得像某人的一幅漫画,甲状腺似的眼睛,米什林式的嘴唇,声音像豌豆汤。

The fog was as thick as pea - soup.───大雾就像黄豆汤一样浓.

Would you like to try the pea soup?───你想尝尝豌豆汤 吗 ?

W : Green pea soup, sir. Croutons are already in the soup.───青碗豆汤, 先生, 汤内已有面包碎片了.

The waiter leaves, but the man changes his mind to pea soup.───服务员走了, 但是这个男人改变了主意,他想换成豌豆汤.

I'll start with green pea soup.───我先来个豌豆汤。

Suppose that Darth Vader USES the force, the dark side — the force of course, Darth Vader USES the dark side of the force to destroy, to turn into pea soup Luke Skywalker's brain.───假设达斯·维特使用特别手段,使用厉害的手段,他损坏的是,卢克·天行者的大脑,把卢克变成了个废物。


The gray tasteless pea soup served at each meal was nicknamed the Green Terror.

W : Green pea soup, sir. Croutons are already in the soup.

Green pea soup, sir.

What were pea soup rhythms and honda-honda basslines and who invented them?

Lunch was pea soup, roast beef, roast potatoes, sprouts and peas, with apple snow for dessert.

Green pea soup, sir. Croutons are already in the soup.

Would you like to try the pea soup?

Before the apple charlotte, Miss Chib was given a bowl of pea soup with a spoonful of whipped cream on it.

I'll start with green pea soup.

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