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词汇 pay up
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We asked him to pay up.───我们要求他把钱付清.

If you don't pay up at once, we'll see you in court!───如果你不立即付清, 我们就法庭上见!

I had a hard time getting him to pay up.───我好不容易让他还清了全部欠款。

Every club member must pay up his membership money before the end of the season.───每一位俱乐部成员必须在赛季结束以前缴清会费.

They are willing to pay up to $500 more for cars that get better mileage.───他们愿意多付$500来买单位汽油里程数更高的汽车。

I'm over thirty thousand dollars in debt , and I can't pay up.───亏空三万多银子!

You will have to pay up.───你必须付款.

We claimed a refund from the association, but they would not pay up.───我们向该协会要求退款,但他们不肯把钱吐出来。

The gangsters used threats of violence to force the Morrises to pay up.───歹徒们用武力威胁,企图迫使莫里斯家拿出钱来.

The remainder he would pay up as soon as he could.───是否有可能让他恢复原职?这一点他只是暗示了一下.

If you don't pay up, I'll take you to court.───如果你不还清欠款, 我就到法院告你.

My goods were lost in the fire and the insurance company will have to pay up.───我的货在大火中烧毁了,保险公司将不得不赔偿.

My goods have vanished and the insurance company will have to pay up.───我的货物已荡然无存,保险公司得赔偿损失.

What happens with customers who don't pay up on the due date?───对那些到期不来结账的客户 怎么办 ?

We claimed a refund from the association, but they would not pay up.───我们要求该协会退款,但是他们不肯付钱。

He'll never pay up unless you get tough with him.───你如果不对他硬点,他是决不会把钱付清的.

They are willing to pay up to $500 more for cars that get better mileage.───他们愿意多出500美元来购买更省油的汽车。

You must pay up what you owe me.───你欠我的钱必须还清.

  • pay rises
  • payments login
  • payer tin
  • pay and return
  • payment slip
  • pay to
  • payment order
  • pay a big price
  • payment method
  • paying off
  • pay sb sth
  • pay out for
  • payable at
  • pay the piper
  • pay lip service to
  • payroll taxes
  • payer conjugations
  • pay in advance
  • pay mode
  • pay a fee
  • pay as you go




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