party politics───党派政治
pashmina politics───帕什米纳政治
coalition politics───联合政治
party political───政党的,政党政治的
petty politics───隘政治
For Obama, the day was stripped of partisan politics, and he ended it by lavishing praise on Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, his opponent in last fall's campaign.───对于奥巴马而言,这一天不谈政党政治,他盛赞了去年秋天竞选的对手、亚利桑那州共和党议员约翰·麦凯恩,然后结束了一天的活动。
He calls himself a "hope-monger"; he argues-not without reason-that change cannot come if the country is Mired in the old "Bush-Clinton" partisan politics.───他戏称自己为“希望商贩”;他有理由辨称如果这个国家还深陷在对“布什·克林顿”陈旧政治的推崇中,那么改变不可能来临。
We've got enough that we need to do that we don't need to get weighted down in the partisan politics.───我们竭尽所能并有所收获,而没有被多党政策所压垮。
The website argues that whereas it might have been critical of government policies, it has never indulged in "partisan" politics.───该网站称这可能是对政府政策的批评,但它从来没有沉溺在“党派”政治中。
Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government.───党羽的政治阴谋常是良好政府的阻碍。
And still another view holds that it was the highly partisan politics of Washington, D. C. , that prevented the needed capital infusion.───还有一种观点认为,华盛顿高度的党派政治阻止了其所需资本的注入。
"This is not about partisan politics; this is about rising above that, helping America and reigniting our economy, " he said.───他说:“这跟党派政治没有关系,这远远超过了党派政治,这关系到帮助美国重振经济。”
A human-rights lawyer, he had spent much of his career abroad, so was untainted by the country's partisan politics.───作为一名人权律师,他在海外工作多年,所以没有收到国内党派政治的玷污。
Jennifer hates partisan politics and would not care if the two-party system ended.
Can teachers be prohibited from taking an active part in partisan politics?
Naturally, partisan politics plays a role here.
We take partisan politics seriously in my neck of the woods.
The time has come to stop endangering the Triple A bond rating of the United States, put aside partisan politics, and behave responsibly to ensure a balanced approach to reducing our nation's deficit.
The agencies are isolated by law from the president and, in theory, from partisan politics.
But by this time the entire issue had acquired too strong a tint of partisan politics, and no action was taken.
Yesterday's lunch had been Obama's suggestion, but served Bush's purposes too, enabling him to portray himself as above partisan politics: a unifier, just like Obama.
Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government . Office politics are often debilitating and counterproductive.
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