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词汇 particulate matter
释义 particulate matter
particulate matter发音




particulate filter───[化工]微粒过滤器

particulate filters───[化工]微粒过滤器

particulate scrubber───微粒洗涤器

particular case───特例;特定情况

particulate scrubbers───微粒洗涤器

practical matter───实际问题;实际情况

particular concern───特别关注

particular way───独特方式;特定方式



Particulate matter includes particles from molecular size to greater than 10 Mm in diameter.───微粒物质包括从分子大小到直径大于10微米的粒子.

This paper introduces the principle of TXRF and analyzes airborne particulate matter.───本文描述了TXRF技术的基本原理,并应用它分析了环境大气颗粒物.

In - line filters are used to remove particulate matter.───使用线内(in-line)过滤器来清除颗粒物.

Particulate matter affects children , the elderly, and persons with pulmonary or cardiovascular illnesses most.───悬浮粒子还可以改变人体对外来物质的防御, 以及损害肺组织.

Volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) can adhere to particulate matter ( PM ) and enter lungs during inhalation.───?发性有机化合物会依附于悬浮粒子 ( PM ) 上,经呼吸进入肺部.

Visible particulate matter can be controlled by adequate regulations.───对肉眼可见的颗粒物质的污染通过适当管理即可加以控制.

Ship operations emit nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, and hazardous pollutants into the air.───船舶作业中把排出的氮氧化物 、 二氧化硫 、 微粒物质以及危害性的污染一并散播到空气中.

Source apportionment of airborne particulate matter is important in the field of environmental administration.───摘要大气颗粒物源解析技术在环境管理中发挥著越来越重要的作用.

Source apportionment of particulate matter is important in the field of environmental administration.───大气颗粒物源解析技术在环境管理中发挥着越来越重要的作用.

Most deep - sea faunas rely for food on particulate matter , ultimately derived from photosynthesis, falling from above.───大多数 深海 动物以上方落下的颗粒物质为食, 这些物质基本上都是通过光合作用形成的.

RESULTS: The particulate matter increased obviously.───结果: 配伍溶液中不溶性微粒数量明显增多,应引起重视.

Cold smoke produces the same emission pollutant particulate matter.───冷烟雾产生相同的排放污染物可吸入颗粒物.

Flushing keeps valve seats clean, preventing leakage possibilities from particulate matter.───冲刷保持阀座清洁, 降低固体颗粒泄漏的可能性.

Urban airborne particulate matter open source has been one of the main sources of particulate matter.───城市空气颗粒物开放源已成为大气颗粒物的主要来源之一,它对改善我国城市空气环境质量具有重要意义.

OBJECTIVE : To analyze the effects of Chinese medical injection to infusion fluid on the particulate matter.───目的: 探讨中药注射液对输液微粒的影响.


RESULTS: The particulate matter increased obviously.

Particulate matter levels are monitored and regulated by the U.S. Enironmental Protection Agency ( EPA ).

Particulate matter (PM) consists of a heterogeneous mixture of solid and liquid particles suspended in air.

Cold smoke produces the same emission pollutant particulate matter.

Pulverized particulate matter ejected by volcanic eruption.

Urban airborne particulate matter open source has been one of the main sources of particulate matter.

The pelletfilter intercepts the particulate matter.

Visible particulate matter can be controlled by adequate regulations.

Source apportionment of particulate matter is important in the field of environmental administration.





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