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词汇 ball game
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n.球类运动; 棒球; 情况; 局面


ball games───球类运动


wall game───对着墙踢足球的游戏

small game───小游戏

wall games───对着墙踢足球的游戏

ball race───滚珠座圈;[机]轴承座圈


bar game───酒吧游戏

bowl game───玩保龄球


Take a look on that world cup does not gamble on ball game interesting?───看世界杯不赌球有意思 么 ?

The ball game was postponed because of rain.───球赛因雨延期.

you going to the ball game?───你去看棒球赛吗?

Tired with the ball game, Johnson spread himself ( our ) on the floor.───由于参加玩球赛, 约翰逊累极了,手脚伸得 长长 地躺在地板上.

He finds himself faced with a whole new ball game.───他发现自己面对着一个截然不同的情况。

Collective effortcooperation are extremely important in winning a ball game.───要赢得球赛,集体力量与配合是极其重要的.

Let's go and a ball game tonight.───今晚我们去看场球赛吧.

Aeronautics is a whole new ball game from what it was in 1903.───航空术大不同于1903年,展现出一个全新的局面.

I'd still like to go to a ball game.───我还是想去看一场棒球赛。

Jone just went along for the ride to the ball game, he didn't want to play.───约翰只是为了好玩而乘车去看球赛, 他并不想打球.

The ball game has to stand over until tomorrow because of rain.───球赛因雨不得不推迟到明天.

Why was the ball game postponed?───球赛为何要延期 呢 ?

Inevitably, they'd bring up the fact that at half time , the ball game was competitive.───他们不可避免地都提到了上半场竞争激烈的比赛.

The children rested on the porch after the ball game.───球赛后,孩子们在门廊里休息.

Darn. I want to watch that drama, but dad's watch the ball game now.───讨厌! 我要看连续剧, 老爸却在看球赛.

The ball game is on the air now.───电视台现在正在播放球赛.

We're into a whole new ball game.───我们正处于一种全新的局面.

Sometimes I play a ball game in the holiday or the swimming.───有时我会约几个好朋友在假日打球或游泳.

Helen seldom goes to the ball game, does she?───海伦很少去看球赛, 是 吗 ?

The new global economy has made everything a whole new ball game.───新的全球经济(模式)使一切都进入了新的状态.

Two of his biggest competitors are out of the ball game.───他的两大劲敌出局了。

It's a completely different ball game than it was in the 60's.───与60年代相比,现在的情况完全不同了.

Price competition between the bank from this presents new ball game.───银行间的价格竞争由此呈现新局面.

The loss of the ball game stirred up much feeling.───球赛输了引起了极大的愤慨.

Are you going to the ball game?───你去看棒球赛吗?

Getting a job these days is a whole new ball game.───如今找到一份工作与从前的情况可完全不同了.

Included in the game after the starting point of the red ball game.───游戏载入完毕后点大的红色球开始游戏.

Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez ball during a soft ball game in Caracas on January 31, 2009.───1月31日, 在委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯,委内瑞拉总统查韦斯在一场垒球比赛中大显身手.

That's a completely different ball game.───那完全是另外一码事儿.

Come along and join the ball game.───过来和我们一块儿打球.

In us that time a ball game when, going abroad cannot accept gift.───在我们那年代打球时, 出国是不能接受礼品的.

He finds himself faced with a whole new ball game.───他发现自己面对着一个全新的局势。

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