Oval Office───美国总统办公室
naval officer───海军军官;海军军官海关税务助理海军官员
head office───总公司;总行
loan office───当铺;贷款处
oval face───鸭蛋脸
naval officers───海军军官;海军军官海关税务助理海军官员
assay office───(金属货币)检验室
cavalry officer───骑兵军官
The two leaders briefly addressed reporters in the Oval Office after their private meeting and lunch.───在私人会晤和午餐之后,两位领袖在椭圆形办公室简短地向记者发表讲话.
At home the man the Oval Office is mightily constrained by Congress.───在他家中的椭圆形办公室里,他却很大程度上收到了国会的限制.
The Oval Office is the official office of the President of the United States.───白宫椭圆形办公室是美利坚合众国总统的公务办公室.
Mosh pits outside the oval office.───在总统办公室门外前进被阻截.
Their togetherness begins at 8 a.m. with an intelligence briefing in the Oval Office.───从早上8点起,他们就一起在椭圆办公室听取情况简报.
And I invite her every morning into the Oval Office to stay for a while.───我每天上午邀请她到总统办公室逗留片刻. ”
your office right next to the Oval Office?───你的办公室就在总统办公室隔壁吗?
They went in the office behind the Oval Office.───总统和她进了一间办公室,就在椭圆办公室后面.
Congress is waiting to see how the Oval Office will react.───国会正观望总统方面的反应。
Bill's antics with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office nearly got him impeached.───前总统克林顿与莱温斯基在办公室中的性丑闻就几乎把他从总统宝座上弹劾下来.
Will Hillary take revenge on her philandering husband by outperforming him in the Oval Office?───庸俗的记者们争揭白宫炫丽外表后的内幕.
They call it the Oval Office.───他们管它叫总统办公室。
Television: President Kennedy met with the collegiate All - American Football Team at the Oval Office today.───电视: 肯尼迪总统今日在白宫椭圆形办公室里接见全美大学足球明星队.
News man: President Kennedy met with the collegiate All - American Football Team at the oval office today.───播音员: 肯尼迪总统在椭圆形办公室接见了全美大学足球队.
- oval window
- ovals only
- ovals pools
- oval tablecloths