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词汇 那个是橙色的吗用英语怎么说
释义 那个是橙色的吗用英语怎么说

Is that orange




The instruments glowed in the bright orange light.───明亮的橙色灯光下,这些乐器闪闪发光。

you care for some orange juice?───你想要些橙汁吗?

to suck the juice from an orange───吸橙子的汁

Many Chinese adults dress their children in brilliant orange, red and pink.───很多中国的成人给他们的孩子穿鲜艳的橘黄色 、 红色和粉色的衣服.

Further up the river, the vineyards start to thin out and the orange groves and almond trees take over.───继续溯流而上,葡萄园开始淡去,柑橘园和杏树多了起来。

The orange curtains jar with the red furniture.───这些橘黄色的窗帘与红色家具不协调.

Orange juice makes him sick so don't give it to him.───橙汁会让他恶心,别让他喝橙汁。

I plucked an orange from the tree.───我从树上摘了一个橙子。

Everywhere in the house was a sticky trail of orange juice.───家里到处是泼洒的橙汁留下的黏糊糊的痕迹.

The leaves have yellow areas on the top and underneath are powdery orange spots.───叶子的表面有黄色斑块,背面则有桔色粉状圆点。


He cut the orange into quarters.

It is a seedless type orange.

If the orange is going to be bad ----for the best of us are bad sometimes ---it begins to be bad from the outside, not from the inside.

The salad was decorated with segments of orange.

I'd like a glass of orange juice.

What colour is an orange?

Would you like another orange?

She filled her mug with orange juice.

Cut the orange peel into fine shreds.

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  • that orange
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