orthodox Jews───东正教犹太人
orthodox Jew───正统犹太教;正统派犹太人
unorthodox approach───非正统方法
Northern Cross───[天]北十字星
on the cross───不光明正大地;对角
Macedonia's authorities protect the local Orthodox church from its Serbian neighbour, whose priests, seen by patriotic Macedonians as agents of Serbia, may not cross the border wearing clerical garb.───马其顿当局保护当地的东正教会,所以在他们眼中被认为是塞尔维亚特务的塞尔维亚牧师不允许以牧师的身份进入马其顿。
cross hewn for Epiphany in the ice of Maine's Kennebec River by parishioners of St. Alexander Nevsky Russian Orthodox Church commemorates the baptism of Christ.───为准备主显节,纪念基督受洗,圣亚历山大涅夫斯基俄罗斯东正教教会教友在缅因州肯尼贝克河冰面上刻出十字架形状。
Orthodox believers dive into the river Danube, in Belgrade, Serbia, Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2011, as they race to retrieve a cross from the water.───1月19日 ,塞尔维亚首都贝尔格莱德多瑙河中,东正教徒们纵身跳入河内,纷纷竞争去取河中的十字架。
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- orthodox cross