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词汇 or else
释义 or else
or else发音


否则,要不然; 用以表示威胁; 抑或












Put the gun down, or else!───把枪放下, 否则你会后悔的!

Make sure you are strapped in very well, or else you will fall out.───一定要系好安全带,否则会摔出去。

Hands up! Or else I'll fire.───举起手来! 不然我要开枪啦.

You can get a new set of tools, or else you may use mine for the time being.───你可以领一套新工具, 再不就用我的吧.

Make ( thoughts, feelings, etc ) clear to sb ( by using words, or else by gestures, behaviour, etc )───(用言语 、 手势 、 行为等 ) 表达 ( 思想 、 情感等 )

Hurry up or , else you'll be ` late.───快点吧,要不就迟到了.

He must be a good plumber, or else he wouldn't be so busy.───他肯定是个不错的管子工,要不然他不会那么忙。

Make haste, or ( else ) you'll be late.───快点, 要不然就来不及了.

He told us to put it right, or else.───他让我们纠正错误,否则后果自负。

We should plant in accordance with the season, or else we can't have a good harvest.───植物必须应季栽种, 否则肯定无法获得丰收.

This time we really need to succeed or else people will start giving us funny looks.───这次我们真地得要成功,否则人们会开始用奇怪的眼光看我们。

You'd better give me the ball — or else!───你最好把球给我——不给的话!

Many foods must be refrigerated or else they will spoil.───许多食物必须冷冻,否则会变质.

Dress warmly, or else you'll catch cold.───赶快, 否则你上学就要迟到了.

Evidently no lessons have been learnt or else the government would not have handled the problem so sloppily.───政府显然没有吸取教训,不然不会把问题处理得那么草率。

You are either a total genius or else you must be totally crazy.───你要么是个纯粹的天才,要不然你准是完全疯了。

Behave, or else!───规矩点,否则的话,哼!

You are either a total genius or else you must be absolutely raving mad.───你要么是个不折不扣的天才,要么就是完全疯了。

Hurry up or else you'll be late.───快点,否则你就要迟到了。

It's likely someone gave her a lift, or else that she took a taxi.───可能有人开车捎了她一程,要不就是她打了辆出租车。

Pay up or else!───快付钱,要是不付!

This time we really need to succeed or else people will start giving us funny looks.───这次我们真的需要成功,否则人们会开始用异样的眼光看我们。

Or else it is void of content and meaningless.───否则就会是没有任何内容和无意义的.

It is raining. Don't forget to wear a raincoat, or else you will catch a cold.───下雨了, 出门别忘穿上雨披, 要不会淋感冒的.

He must be teasing, or else he's mad.───他一定是在开玩笑, 不然他就是疯了.

When in another's lairplastic surgery, show him respect or else do not go there.───在别人的地盘中, 要显示对他的尊重,否则别往那里.

You must comply or else!───你必须服从,否则对你不客气!

You must study harder ( or ) else you'll fail in the English examination.───你必须努力学习,不然的话,英语考试不会及格的.

The book must be here, or else you've lost it.───书一定在这, 要不然就是你把它丢了.

Or else you are a liability as a manager.───要么就是你这位经理不称职.

President Bush has issued an appropriately stern warning to Saddam Hussein: Cooperate with UN inspectors — or else.───布什总统对萨达姆一项严峻而得体的警告: 与联合国视察人员合作——否则后果自负.


We must be there by six, or else we'll miss the beginning.

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