

词汇 ordinary person
释义 ordinary person
ordinary person发音

普通人员; 常人; 凡人


ordinary seaman───新兵

ordinary seamen───新兵

ordinary degrees───普通学位

media person───媒体工作者;媒介人物

morning person───喜欢早起的人

ordinary degree───普通学位

ordinary gain───经常利润

ordinary lays───普通搓捻法

ordinary loss───正常损失


Much new knowledge is remote from the immediate interest of the ordinary person.───许多新知识与普通人目前的利益关系甚远.

I am just a ordinary person.───我只是个普通人而已.

I can only treat you as my employer, not as an ordinary person.───我只能把你作为我的雇主,而不能当做一个普通人。

He can make friend and person with person as ordinary person to chat.───他能像平常人一样与人交朋友,与人聊天.

How can an ordinary person differentiate between a real $ 100 bill and a fake one?───如何让一个普通人分别出真正的100美元和假币的区别 呢 ?

Much new knowledge is remote from immediate interest of the ordinary person.───许多新知识与普通人目前的利益关系“甚”远.

Of the price tall, pace of cowardly of your ordinary person, also afford even author.───价格之高, 令常人怯步, 连作者本人也买不起了.

No ordinary person can remember everything that happens to him.───一般人记不住所有发生过的事情.

I am just an ordinary person.───我只是一个平庸的人。

But what about the ordinary person?───但是普通人怎么样 呢 ?

If a prince violates the law, he must be punished like an ordinary person.───王子犯法与庶民同罪.

Stupid person gossips; ordinary person talks things ; intelligent person talks ideas!───蠢人说闲话; 常人说常事; 智者说思想!

VIP usually gets special treats compared with ordinary person.───和常人相比,VIP通常会得到一些特殊的待遇.

Confucius awoke and knew his compatriot was not an ordinary person.───孔子这时才惊醒过来,知道这位老乡,实非等闲之辈.

Don't mistake him as an ordinary person like you and me.───你别以为他是像你我一样的普通人.

Life continues to be a terrible grind for the ordinary person.───对于普通人来说,生活一直是个糟糕的苦差事。

The generals and ministers or immortals want the ordinary person to be, too.───译为“将相神仙也要求凡人做(做什么没说 ) ”

What can I, an ordinary person, do?───我一介草民能有什么办法?


The local paper gives the ordinary person a voice.

An ordinary person, comparative extroversion of personality.

No ordinary person wants them any more, though they will for years to come provide talking points for the chattering classes.

I'm just an ordinary person, I have my little emotion.

The ordinary person does not inherently dislike work: according to the conditions it may be a source of satisfaction or punishment.

Stupid person gossips; ordinary person talks things ; intelligent person talks ideas!

It's hard for an ordinary person to remain uncontaminated after years in official circles.

Ken Kessler is an ordinary person trying to get by in the information age.

Nevertheless, an ordinary person might be hard put to tell one from the other.

  • ordinary share
  • ordinary person
  • ordinary mail
  • ordinary soap
  • ordinary folk
  • ordinary annuity
  • ordinary man




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