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词汇 orange box
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orange boxes───橙色盒子

orange glow───橙色辉光


orgone box───生命力箱

range rod───标杆

orange grove───奥兰治格罗夫(位于澳大利亚西部,OrangeGrove);柑橘园

orange pekoe───橙黄白毫;柑桔香红茶;上等红茶

transfer box───分动器

orange blossom───香橙花;橙花鸡尾酒


like the Orange Box, Bayonetta and even the recently released Enslaved have run noticeably better on the 360.───像猎天使魔女半条命橙盒版和最近发布的奴役:西游记就很明显的在360平台拥有更佳表现。

At this McDonald's the DNA liquid is contained in an orange box the size of a large paperback book, mounted over an entrance door.───在这家麦当劳快餐店中,DNA液体被装在一个橙色盒子里,和平装书一般大小,安放在店门入口处。

Games like the Orange Box, Bayonetta and even the recently released Enslaved have run noticeably better on the 360.───像猎天使魔女半条命橙盒版和最近发布的奴役:西游记就很明显的在360平台拥有更佳表现。

But despite the subtlety of the orange box, some neighbors say its effects have been all too apparent.───但是尽管这个桔色盒子的精巧,有些居民说它的影响太明显了。

Redcurrant , mint, tropical fruit, orange, box tree, crushed black currant buds, passionfruit, grassy apples.───红浆果,薄荷,热带水果,桔子,碎黑加仑芽,火龙果,香草,苹果。

It's an orange box.───它是一个桔色的盒子。

Most web sites that publish an RSS feed will display a tiny orange box or button labeled───大部份提供RSS网址的网站都会显示出一个橙色按钮


But this small orange box produced by a Thame company could help prevent such accidents in the future.

Redcurrant, mint, tropical fruit, orange box tree , crushed black currant buds, passionfruit, grassy apples.

Underneath it stood an orange box on top of which were two flower pots.

  • orange tree
  • orange-colored bread
  • orange-colored spice
  • orange-brown crossword
  • orange i
  • orange-brown hair
  • orange brown color
  • orange shoes
  • orange groves
  • orange colored sky
  • orange breeze
  • orange bag
  • oranges calories
  • orange soda
  • orange girl
  • orange colored cheese from france crossword
  • oranges and lemons
  • orange fairy
  • orange song
  • orange-yellow rgb
  • orange-yellow pee




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