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词汇 on the brain
释义 on the brain
on the brain发音




down the drain───浪费掉;徒劳;堕落

in the bargain───此外;外加

in the main───基本上

on the air───在广播,广播中

on the ball───adv.机灵;留心;有见识;勤奋

on the bash───喝得兴高采烈,狂饮;寻欢作乐

on the beam───[航]航向正确;正横地;必须用泵抽油的

on the beat───合拍;在巡逻中

on the bias───倾斜地;偏斜地;(尤指裁缝等)斜裁;沿着织物的对角线方向


Alcohol acts on the brain.───酒精对大脑有影响.

Money ent on the brain is never ent in vain.───用于教育之金钱决不虚掷.

He had for the moment Beethoven on the brain.───这时,在他脑海里盘旋着贝多芬的乐曲.

a blood clot on the brain───大脑中的血块

He suffered from suffusion of blood on the brain.───他患脑溢血。

I think you have Blake on the brain.───我觉得你对布兰克念念不忘.

Rosemary oil has a pronounced action on the brain, clearing the mind and aids the memory.───迷迭香油具有明显的对大脑的行动, 清除头脑和艾滋病的记忆.

She died of shock following an operation on the brain.───她死于脑手术之后的休克.

You've had chess on the brain since you were little.───你从很小的时候就对下棋产生了浓厚兴趣。

The operation involves placing electrical devices directly on the brain.───手术是将电子装置直接装入脑部.

Money spend on the brain is never spend in vain.───智力投资,钱非白用.

Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.───智力上的投资决非浪费.

Money spent on the brain is never spert in vain.───用于教育的钱决无虚掷.

Increase the pressure on the brain, then you may be headache.───脑内的压力增加, 这时你可能就会感到头痛.

You're kidding me; I want to work on the brain.───别开玩笑了, 我想研究的是脑.

Alcohol acts quickly on the brain.───酒精对大脑迅速产生影响。

He has sex on the brain.───他脑子里想的全是性。


Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain. 

Alcohol acts on the brain.

He has sex on the brain.

I've had this tune on the brain all day but I can't remember what it's called.

She died of shock following an operation on the brain.

Alcohol acts quickly on the brain.

The drug exerts a powerful effect on the brain.

He's got football on the brain .

I've got that song on the brain today.

  • onwards and upwards
  • only for u
  • on the flat
  • online fraud
  • on mine
  • one amp only
  • on ground
  • on a hike
  • on the beam
  • only to some
  • on the contrary
  • one after one
  • on a plane
  • on one time
  • one the others
  • one love blue
  • on the beach
  • only in this way can you
  • only for your
  • on the danger list
  • on a puzzle




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