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词汇 one by one
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one on one───一对一

one to one───一对一,一个对一个

on day one───在第一天

gone before───居先;走在前面

hole in one───一杆进洞

any one───任何的

every one───每个

off on one───关上一个



We went into the room one by one.───我们挨个儿走进房间。

The company numbered off one by one from left to right.───该连士兵由左向右报数.

Please say it one by one.───请一个一个地说。

One by one the houses burst into flames.───房子一幢接一幢地燃起熊熊大火。

In fine, all Sedley's wealthy friends had dropped off one by one.───总之, 赛特笠的有钱朋友慢慢的都不理他了.

Line up, one by one.───排队,一个跟着一个。

He weeded out one by one the books he didn't want.───他把不想要的书一本一本丢掉.

Will you count off the figures one by one so that I can write them down?───能不能请你把那些数目字逐个报一下,这样我好记下来?

He shot arrows one by one, but each missed.───他射了一箭又一箭, 但都未能射中.

She talked to them one by one.───她逐一地和他们谈话.

One by one those at the table tried the experiment.───席上那些人挨个试了试.

One by one they came forward, mumbled grudging words of welcome, made awkward obeisances.───他们挨个儿走上前去,勉强地咕哝出几句欢迎词,生硬地鞠躬致礼。

listen one by one.───一个一个地听吧。

The speaker explained these questions one by one.───报告人对这些问题逐一作了说明.

Kurt picked up his hand and fanned out the cards one by one.───库尔特拿起他那手牌,一张张成扇形铺开。

Korontzis picked up his hand slowly and fanned out the cards one by one.───科龙奇斯慢慢抬起手,一张一张地把牌展开。

The night fell, and one by one the stars shone out.───夜幕降临了, 星星一颗接一颗在天空上闪现.

The ticket agent checked in the passengers one by one.───售票员逐一登记乘客.


The snipers picked the soldiers off one by one as they ran for cover.

  • one amp only
  • one after one
  • one the others
  • one love blue
  • one sided synonym
  • one the why
  • one last love
  • one the world
  • one more round
  • one anther
  • one horse has approximately
  • one of her
  • one to joy
  • one story
  • one fan
  • one s
  • one is all
  • one fine day
  • one too one
  • one remix
  • one please




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