

词汇 on account of
释义 on account of
on account of发音


adv.由于; 基于


on account───记帐,[会计]赊帐;分期付款

take account of───考虑到;顾及;体谅

to account for───解释;说明(原因等)

T account───t式账户

T accounts───t式账户

account for───对…负有责任;对…做出解释;说明……的原因;导致;(比例)占

in front of───在…前面

in point of───就……而言;关于

loan account───[金融]贷款帐户


Bill cannot come to the meeting on account of illness.───比尔因病不能到会.

" Auntie told me not to run, " he explained, " on account of my asthma. ”───“ 阿姨叫我不要跑, ” 他解释道, “ 因为我有气喘病. ”

He was in the blues on account of his failure in business.───他因事业失败而意志消沉.

Innocent people get into trouble on account of others'misfortune.───城门失火,殃及池鱼.

He has a bad name on account of his dishonesty.───他因不诚实而声名狼藉.

The meeting was postponed on account of the chairman's illness.───由于主持人生病,会议延期了.

The gate was bolted on the inside, on account of these dear children.───为了这些可爱的孩子们,大门从里面闩上了.

A newly-married couple, he thought, on account of their walking so close together.───看俩人走路时挨得这么近,他觉得他们是新婚夫妇。

The flight was postponed on account of bad weather.───因为天气恶劣,飞行延期了.

On account of his extravagance he was plunged into heavy debt.───由于挥霍浪费,他负债累累.

The fact was, he could not refuse the request, on account of the dwarf's third gift.───事实上,由于小矮人的第三个礼物,他无法拒绝这个请求。

I don't want to upset her on account of the milk.───我不想让她不高兴,要不,会影响奶水的.

He felt guilty on account of his former anger at the kind gentleman.───他觉得很内疚,因为他以前对这位善良的绅士生过气。

We're late on account of the bad traffic.───我们迟到是因为交通拥挤.

Original mail returned on account of incorrect address.───地址不符,原件退回.

The President declined to deliver the speech himself, on account of a sore throat.───总统因嗓子不适而婉拒了亲自讲话。

The president declined to deliver the speech himself, on account of a sore throat.───那位总统由于嗓子疼拒绝亲自发表演讲。

The old worker retired on account of age.───老工人因年老而退休.


" Auntie told me not to run, " he explained, " on account of my asthma. ”.

  • onwards and upwards
  • only for u
  • on the flat
  • online fraud
  • on mine
  • one amp only
  • on ground
  • on a hike
  • on the beam
  • only to some
  • on the contrary
  • one after one
  • on a plane
  • on one time
  • one the others
  • one love blue
  • on the beach
  • only in this way can you
  • only for your
  • on the danger list
  • on a puzzle




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