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词汇 old woman
释义 old woman
old woman发音

n.妻子; 母亲; 挑剔而胆小的人; 婆婆妈妈的人



old women───老婆;母亲;婆婆妈妈的人;挑剔而胆小的人

oil woman───石油女人

old man───情人;丈夫;老头子;父亲

own woman───自己的女人




to a woman───对一个女人



The old woman was weaving on her loom.───那位老太太正在织布机上织布.

She can hear the old woman muttering about consideration.───她能听到那个老妇人小声咕哝说考虑考虑。

She can hear the old woman muttering about consideration.───她能听见这老妇人低声说要考虑考虑。

She was getting an old woman.───她在变成一个老太太.

A thief planted the television set he had stolen on this innocent old woman.───一个贼把偷来的电视机栽赃给这位无辜的老太太.

A crazy old woman rented the upstairs room.───一个疯老太婆租了楼上那个房间。

The old woman beat her breast and cried in anguish.───这个老妇人伤心地捶胸顿足地哭着、号着.

The old woman had laid by a little money.───这位老太太积蓄了一点钱.

A little old woman with a wrinkled face as brown as a berry told us our fortunes for ten pence.───一位满脸皱纹皮肤黝黑的小个儿老妇人向我们索取十便士,替我们算命.

The old woman was anxiously awaiting the return of her relatives.───老妇人望眼欲穿地盼望亲人归来.

The old woman walked slowly, and the children ran on in front.───那位老妇人慢慢地走, 小孩子们跑在前面.

To our amusement, the boy acted an old woman.───使我们感到好笑的是那男孩扮演了一个老太太.

You're a regular old woman.───你也太婆婆妈妈的了.

The old woman has been confined to her bed for a whole year.───那老妇人已经卧病在床整整一年了.

The man claimed to be a social worker and the old woman believed him.───那个男人自称是社会福利工作者,老妇人信以为真。

The old woman was drawling on and on.───这个老太太慢吞吞地说个没完.

The wicked old woman charmed the princess with magic words.───那个老巫婆用咒语控制了公主.

"Come, eat!" the old woman urged.───“好了,吃吧!”老太太催促道。

The old woman talks our arms off.───那老太太对我们叨叨个没完.

An old woman advanced a few paces to shake her fist virulently in my face.───一个老女人上前了几步,在我面前恶毒地晃动着她的拳头.

The old woman rained down curses on our heads.───那老婆子把我们骂得狗血喷头.

The old woman looked directly at the boy and he tried to avoid her searching glance.───老大娘直盯着那个孩子,他就尽量避开她那锐利的目光.

The fairy changed the ugly old woman into a frog.───仙女把那个丑陋的老女人变成了一只青蛙.

An old woman sculling a coracle came alongside.───一个老妇人划着科拉科尔小艇靠岸了。

The old woman struggled along somehow.───这位老太太艰难地生活下去.

The old woman is frugal to the extreme.───那老妇人节约到了极点.

The old woman dressed even more splendidly.───那位老妇人穿着更为华丽.

The old woman from the country was bewildered by the crowds and traffic in the big city.───从农村来的那个老太太被大城市的人流和交通搞得茫然不知所措.


She's a foolish interfering old woman!

The old woman repined at her misfortune.

The old woman was drawling on and on.

Rusty nodded as though she understood the old woman.

They cheated the old woman of her money.

The old woman had some difficulty straightening herself up.

The old woman glared at him.

The old woman dressed even more splendidly.

The old woman was weaving on her loom.

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