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词汇 nursery school
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n.幼儿园; 托儿所


nursery schools───n.幼儿园

cookery school───烹饪学校

nursery slope───苗圃边坡

summer school───暑期学校;暑期班

upper school───高中;高中班

Sunday school───主日学校

charter school───特许学校,契约学校;委办学校

feeder school───直属学校

first school───(英国)初级学校(学生为5至8、9岁的儿童)


The availability of nursery school places varies widely across London.───伦敦幼儿园的分布非常不均衡。

Be sure to nurturance good hygiene in nursery school.───要在幼儿园养成良好的卫生习惯哟.饭前便后要洗手,戴手绢,剪指甲.

Imagine trying to organize a nursery school reunion by visiting retirement homes throughout the country.───试想一下,你走访各地的养老院,寻找当年的同学,想要组织一次幼儿园同学的重聚,这是何等难事。

The IE of Microsoft is nursery school level completely.───微软的IE完全是幼儿园级别.

This child has just started nursery school or on the time is not easy.───这在孩子刚开始上学或上幼儿园的时候并不容易.

See that manner, which are to arrive nursery school was to enter a hospital clearly.───看那架势, 哪是到了幼儿园分明是进了医院.

Students growing up from nursery school to college have trouBle dealing with realities.───从幼儿园到大学的大学生在如何应付现实生活上都存在困难.

From the age of three she attended a nursery school in Amman until the family's return to the UK in 1986.───在3岁时她进入了安曼的一所护士学校,一直到1986年她的家庭回到英国。

Nursery school should run a state to oneself, adjust the price appropriately inside highest price fixing.───幼儿园应根据自身经营状况, 在最高限价内适当调整价格.

Wisdom at the top of the graduate mountain , but there in the sandpile at nursery school.───智慧不在研究生院的山巅之上, 而在幼儿园的沙堆里.

I started to learn English when I was at nursery school.───在我上幼儿园的时候,我就开始学英语了.

I went to a boarding school from nursery school to senior high school.───我从幼儿园到高中上的都是寄宿制学校.

She began her professional career as a nursery school teacher.───她从一名幼儿园教师开始了职业生涯。

We send him to the nursery school in the morning.───早上我们把他送到托儿所去.

Many children under 5 go to nursery school.───5岁以下的许多儿童都上幼儿园.

A school for children who are not old enough to attend kindergarten ; a nursery school.───任何认为在幼儿园当老师很轻松的人应该去做做这工作.

Jenny, Betty and Alice were in the same class from nursery school to primary school.───珍妮, 贝蒂和艾丽丝从幼儿园到小学在同一类.

Nursery school teacher says to her class: " Who can use the word " definitely " in a sentence? "───幼儿园老师问她的学生: 谁可以用 “ 一定 ” 这个词造个句 呢 ?

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