

词汇 now you see
释义 now you see
now you see发音



to outsee───出其不意

you see───你瞧;你是知道的

show your teeth───露出你的牙齿

show your face───露出你的脸

as you were───原地不动,还原,复原(恢复原来的姿势)

go to seed───退化;花谢结子;变得不修边幅

of yours───属于你(们)的;你(们)的


Now you see maybe one.───如今,你可能只会找到一个。

you see how I'm getting off the subject.───你明白我是如何天马行空的了。

Now you see how I feel about Dave, right?───现在你明白我对戴夫的感觉了吧?

Alex: You're young. Right now you see settling as some sort of a failure.───艾丽克斯:你还年轻,如今在你看来安定下来像是种失败。

He gave it me at Savannah, when he lay a-dying, like as if I was to now, you see.───他在萨瓦纳临死时交待给了我,就像我现在要交待给你一样。

Right now, you see him through rose colored glasses but later you will be able to see him as he is.───现在,你是情人眼里出西施,觉得他什么都好,不过不久后你就会看清楚他真实的一面了。

Now you see how much fun I can be.───现在你看到我多么的有趣。

got out to that part where the limb of the tree was weaker, "Ha, " says he to us, "now you see me teach the bear dance" .───等到熊爬到树枝比较软和的地方,“哈,”他向我们说,“现在,你看我教给熊跳舞。”

Can you speed it up and let me have it today? I'm leaving tomorrow. I've been here for almost a month now, you see.───能否加快点,让我今天拿到,行不行?我明天回国,你知道我在这儿呆了近一个月了。


Now you take an optical telescope and you look from the ground, and now you see the optical spectrum of the donor.

Now you see it ... Put three glasses full of warm water on a tray.

Other ships. Now, you see, when you fellows were shooting up the Cowrie.

Since Neptune rules over fogginess among other things, he tends to have a "now you see it, now you don't" affect on the financial sectors.

In "Now You See It," Ms. Davidson cites the elite Socratic system of questions and answers, the agrarian method of problem-solving and the apprenticeship program of imitating a master.

Now you see that skin-diving ie both useful ang interesting .

Now you see why this article is subtitled "Winning the shell game."

  • now i see your
  • now here
  • now you see me
  • now we stand
  • now the
  • now i go back
  • now words
  • now about
  • now with
  • now you see
  • now of never
  • now you
  • nowon your way
  • now try
  • now new nice
  • now you turn
  • now and again
  • now i work
  • now think
  • now you say
  • now go




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