hang over───笼罩;威胁;被遗留下
hung over───adj.宿醉未醒
dig over───重新考虑,搜集
dug over───重新考虑,搜集
do over───重做;粉刷
go over───复习,重温;仔细检查;转变;润色
bring over───使相信;说服;把…带来
I shall see you at the Abbey tomorrow morn I ng, I hope, and then we wi ll look the maps over.───我希望明天早晨我能够在教堂看到信,到那时候,我们来把地图研究一下。
Using Examplotron to generate the production RELAX ng schemata from these sample documents saved me perhaps over a hundred hours of effort, and thus saved them tens of thousands of dollars.───使用Examplotron从这些样本文档生成用于生产的RELAX NG模式,这使我省掉了大概一百多个小时的工作量,从而为客户节省了好几万美元。
Minster of Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen revealed in Parliament 8800 sons of new immigrants had been enlisted for National Service over the last five years.───国防部长黄永宏医生日前在国会上透露,约有8800名新移民的儿子在过去五年里入伍服兵役。
- ng room
- nge bird
- ng well
- ngau hung
- ng robot
- nguoi yeu cu
- ng sth
- ng game
- ng over
- ng you
- ng area
- ng hard
- ng for
- ng bread