

词汇 never true
释义 never true
never true发音



fever tree───疟疾树

fever trees───疟疾树


never a one───没有一个人,没有一个

pepper tree───漆椒树

come true───实现,成真;成为现实

ever more───永远;始终


But it was never true: virtuous Ireland never did better than malingering Spain.───但是这些分析都没有成为现实:积极的爱尔兰并不比迟钝的西班牙做得更好。

Although one might think that one can complete a job without sparing any effort, this is never true.───尽管有人可能会认为一个人不用那么全力以赴也能完成一件工作,但这是不正确的。

I hope this is never true.───我希望这不会是事实。

Mr. Al-Thani responded to the allegations by saying, 'There was no alliance. This was a rumor that was never true. '───阿尔扎尼王子对这些指控回应说,不存在什么结盟;这是一个虚假的谣言。

I was very practical about my rejections, and I was well aware that it was never true love that I was losing.───对于自发的排斥我的态度很实际,我也很清楚地知道我从来没有失去过真爱。

But such thoughts were never true, and are even less so now, in the age of e-books and Amazon.───然而,这样的感觉从来都是错误的,而在当今的电子书和亚马逊普及的时代,这种感觉就更加错误了。

Even if he says, 'I'm sorry I really wanted to keep you, but they made me lay you off, ' that's almost never true.───即使他说,‘非常抱歉,我确实想留住你,但是他们让我解雇你,’那绝不是事情的真相。

Negative things are never true because God is not negative. How can God create anything negative?───负面的事物永远不会是真理,因为上帝不是负面的,上帝怎么会去创造任何负面的东西呢?

Sometimes the statement is true, and sometimes the statement is false, but the statement is never true and false simultaneously.───有时,叙述是正确的,有时是虚假的声明,但声明没有真假同时进行。


For quantum systems it seems that once they have met there is never true parting.

That was never true - and has been recognised, even by socialists, as only a fraction of the explanation.

  • never stop
  • never so
  • never a bad
  • never be good
  • never sober
  • never lost
  • never boring
  • never want to
  • never man
  • never mastock
  • never want you go
  • never alone
  • never meet
  • never gone
  • never let go
  • never love again
  • never had
  • never forever
  • never see never
  • never at all
  • never true




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