nest egg───储蓄金,储备金(为养老或应变等用)
a nest egg───积蓄(非正式)
ant eggs───蚳
best ends───最好的结局
because it means the working-age population will shrink. It could also drain savings as the elderly tap their nest eggs.───这意味着劳动年龄人口将会严重萎缩,还有可能由于老年人提取养老金导致存款额大幅减少。
Our paychecks and nest eggs are taking a hit.───我们薪水和积蓄受到打击、愈来愈少.
Some have lost their main nest eggs, others the money to put children through college.───有些人失去了他们为养老而储备的积蓄,另外一些人失去了送孩子读大学的钱。
The most common explanation is that shattered stock and house values have forced many workers to delay retirement so as to rebuild their nest eggs.───最通常的解释是股票和房产缩水迫使很多老龄工作者推迟退休年龄多赚钱。
Then people with nest eggs in the Branch and most important those with a bit in other institutions.
Individuals could invest in stocks and bonds themselves, creating their own retirement nest eggs.
Buttressing that sort of attitude are the limited ways in which Chinese citizens can put their nest eggs to work.
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- nest eggs
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