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词汇 neon signs
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neon sign───n.霓虹灯(广告牌)

neon lights───n.[电]霓虹灯

cent signs───分币符号



hex signs───巫符

inn signs───客栈标志

neon light───n.[电]霓虹灯



The customer was one of those lazy Linux admins whose office was only lit by the neon signs on his wall.───这位客户的Linux管理员真的很懒惰,他的办公室只用墙上昏暗的霓虹灯来照明。

Led neon signs are great for Bars, Pool Halls, Night Clubes, Game Rooms, Restaurants, Bowling Alleys, Liquor Stores, and Home Theaters.───领导的霓虹灯非常适合酒吧,游泳池馆,夜间俱乐部,游戏室,餐厅,保龄球场,酒商店和家庭影院。

During Earth Hour 2008 many offices and neon signs in Brisbane went dark, leaving only muted colors reflected in the river.───地球一小时期间,布里斯班市的许多高楼和霓虹灯都变暗了,只留下了柔和的光色荡漾在河水之上。

But Kevin's resume did not tell the whole story. There was another side to his life, one written in neon signs and purple casino chips.───可是凯文的简历里没有告诉故事的全部。他的生活有另一面,用闪动的拉斯维加斯霓虹牌和紫色筹码写成的。

When you are out for a stroll around the city, you will definitely see plenty of neon signs for business promotion purposes.───当你漫步在一个城市时,你一定会看到用于商业推广用途霓虹灯很多。

Many ready made neon signs are created by a team of expert designers, however custom made ones may be ordered as well.───许多现成的霓虹灯广告牌是由专家设计团队创建的,但是定制的,可以责令以及。

Considering neon signs last a good deal of time too, they more than make up their cost in almost every instance.───考虑到去年的霓虹灯招牌一个很好的协议,他们也超过弥补其成本几乎每一个实例。

Railway operators are running fewer trains, buildings have switched off some elevators, and neon signs all over Tokyo are dark.───铁路客运列车数量已经减少,办公楼的电梯有些被关闭,东京所有路段的霓虹灯现已暗淡无光。


The old motels capitalized on regional pride and kitsch, cheerfully twisting their neon signs into oddball shapes.

The streets are lined with garish neon signs.

His shiny shoes pounded the sidewalks, and neon signs flashed the names of increasingly seedy nightclubs at him.

A few neon signs are beginning to appear on the larger buildings advertising the usual Western wares such as Levi jeans.

Faces are bathed in the bright glow of flashing neon signs that turn night into day along Fremont Street.

A million neon signs push the delicacy of the pink twilight into a dull haze.

He turns down a small side alley where the scene is quieter, with fewer glaring neon signs and nude photo displays.





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