

词汇 natural world
释义 natural world
natural world发音



natural child───亲生子女;非婚生子女;私生子女

natural food───n.天然食品

natural cycle───自然循环;自然环境

natural foods───n.天然食品


virtual world───虚拟世界;虚像世界

natural corollary───必然结果

natural bridge───天然石桥;[地理]天然桥;自然桥

natural colour───天然色素


Man has dominion over the natural world.───人类拥有对自然界的统治权。

He abandoned the grays of the natural world.───布兰特舍弃了自然界中的各种灰色调.

a sense of oneness with the natural world───与自然界的和谐感

Grell are not native to the natural world.───Grell不循自然进化而来.

The natural world comes from God and is therefore orderly and beautiful.───自然世界由神而来,因此是有秩序而美妙的.

They are inseparable aspects of the natural world.───在自然界中它们是不可分割的方面.

Fractal geometry and physics in the natural world has been applied.───分形几何学已在自然界与物理学中得到了应用.

The darker natural world dreams will not feel good to ascending fields.───更黑暗的自然界梦想,将不会让提升的能量场感觉舒适.

In the natural world, increased biodiversity is closely correlated with higher whole-system productivity.───在自然界,生物多样性的增加与整个系统更高的生产力密切相关。

Abstract art looks like nothing in the natural world.───抽象艺术看上去完全不像是自然世界中的内容.

The movement system of energy and material of natural world based on the law of thermodynamics.───自然界中的能量与物质系统的运动是遵循热力学定律的.

Most of the natural world is composed of only about 20 elements.───自然界绝大多数物质大约只由20种元素组成.

So the preservation of the natural world should be important to us.───因此,保护自然世界对我们而言应该是重要的.

Architects have said that the natural world should be a great source of inspiration.───建筑师们表示,自然界应该是灵感的巨大源泉.

We are, after all, only creatures of the African savanna, programmed to uncover trends in the natural world.───我们终归只是来自非洲草原的生物,有计划的掩盖着自然界的发展趋势。

In the natural world on a bigger scale are fractal objects.───自然界中更大的尺度上也存在分形对象.

People living in overcrowded cities usually want to enjoy the natural world.───生活在拥挤不堪的城市里的人总想去享受自然界的乐趣.


Coleridge insisted, to both the natural world and the human spirit.

Only when the natural world begins to fight back will we know how frightened we should really be.

To encourage respect for the natural world and an understanding of its interrelationships. 6.

The natural world was an open book to him.

Man has dominion over the natural world.

His curiosity about the natural world is insatiable.

I find the natural world endlessly fascinating.

Animism, the belief that the natural world is inhabited by spirits, is the driving force in Tuvan music.

These remedies are derived mainly from the natural world.

  • naturalized player
  • natural born
  • naturalization process
  • naturalized or derived citizen
  • natural resource
  • naturalist william
  • naturalized meaning
  • natural states
  • naturalist intelligence
  • naturalness and non
  • natural environment
  • natural cycles
  • naturalize it
  • naturalize definition
  • natural waste
  • naturalized definition
  • natural law
  • natural nine
  • natural instinct
  • natural food
  • naturalized citizen




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