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词汇 natural science
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n.自然科学; 博物


natural sciences───自然科学

rural science───农村科学

actuarial science───精算学,保险精算师学;保险统计计算科学

materials science───[材]材料科学;材料学

natural scientist───自然科学家

data science───数据科学

general science───普通科学;科学概论

rural sciences───农村科学

materials sciences───材料科学


Economics curricula need to include more natural science.───经济学课程应当包括更多自然科学内容.

The important effects to develop the disciplinary university with the Natural Science Funds are explicated.───从不同方面重点论述了自然科学基金对高等院校学科建设的推动作用.

The program requires the services of highly specialized authorities in many fields of natural science.───这个项目需要顶尖专业权威的服务自然科学的许多领域.

Popular Books on Natural Science (18).───自然科学通俗读本(18)。

At least bachelor degree or equivalent in a natural science , mathematical science, or related field.───自然科学 ﹑ 数学或相关专业大学本科或以上.

Reconstructing its own form with the development of natural science is the character of materialism.───随着自然科学的发展而改变自己的形式是唯物主义的理论品格.

Lucy is due to go on show at the Houston Museum of Natural Science on August 31st.───8月31日,露西将在休斯敦自然科学博物馆展出。

They are all for natural science and engineering majors.───这两本书是给自然科学和工程学专业的学生读的.

In the history of natural science, scientific school is a universal and vital phenomenon.───科学学派是自然科学发展史上一种普遍而重要的现象.

At last, pure scientific research is indispensable to the work of natural science.───最后指出了纯科学研究是自然科学不可缺少的工作.

Wave analysis has great potential as far as its application in the natural science is concerned.───从已有的自然科学各领域应用看,小波理论具有很大的潜力.

Lastly it discusses the limitation and condition of natural science methods applied in social science research.───最后分析自然科学方法在社会科学研究中应用的局限性和条件性.

With the development of productivity, both natural science and social science have acquired great progress.───但随着生产力的发展, 自然科学和社会科学都取得了重大进展.

Such traditions exist, and not just in natural science.───这样的传统不只在自然科学领域存在。

While vigorously developing natural science, we cannot ignore the importance of social science.───我们在大力发展自然科学的同时, 也不能忽视社会科学的重要性.

This invention is the productive result of a basic natural science in combination with medicine.───二十几年的临床实践证明,冲击波碎石术是外科领域从有创到轻创再到无创技术发展中的一个成功范例.

Chinese traditional medicine is a best advantageous characteristic subject in the field of Chinese natural science.───中药学是我国在自然科学领域中最有优势、最具特色的学科之一.

In college I majored in Natural Science. What was your major?───上大学时我主修自然科学, 你当时学什么专业?

JOURNAL OF CHANGSHA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & amp ; TECHNOLOGY ( NATURAL SCIENCE ) 2005 VOL .2 General Contents ( Sum .5 ~8 )───长沙理 工大 学学报 ( 自然科学版 ) 2005年第2卷总目次总 ( 第5~8期 )

Some practice in the deft use of words may well be ancillaryto the study of natural science.───熟练使用文字的练习对于自然科学的研究也是有帮助的.

Some of them were devoted to ( the study of ) natural science .───他们有些人专门研究 自然科学.

Note: Municipal rewards of natural science and technological invents were assessed since 2002.───注: 重庆市级自然科学奖和技术发明奖从2002年起开始评定.

Rather, he was an Augustinian monk who taught natural science to high school students.───更确切地说, 他只是奥地利的一名修道士,同时教高中生自然科学的课程.

In education, a serious gap has existed between agricultural science and other areas of natural science.───在教育方面, 农业科学和自然科学其它领域之间存在严重的空白.

Natural science ( physics ) contains apriori synthetic judgments as principles.───自然科学在自身包含着作为原则的先天综合判断.


Undoubtedly, intelligence an important role in many realms , including the natural science and the social sciences.───无可否认的, 智力因素在各个领域都很重要, 无论是自然科学还是社会科学.

Philosophy is the essence of age spirit, the super hardcore of natural science.───哲学是时代精神的精华, 是自然科学的超硬核.

As to natural science, his philosophy was the same a Judas kiss to Jesus.───他的哲学对于自然科学就像犹大之吻对于耶稣一样,有害而无利.

Natural science is a body of systematized knowledge which is accumulating at an almost surprising rate.───自然科学是一种系统的知识体系,这种知识体系正在以几乎惊人的速度积累起来.

Natural science embraces many subjects.───自然科学包括许多学科.

The segregation between thoughts and events that prevails in natural science is simply missing.───在此自然科学所强调的思想与事件之间的分离荡然无存了.

National Natural Science Foundation Division of Materials Science and Engineering Review Panel of experts.───国家自然科学基金会材料与工程学部评审组专家.


Natural science managers oversee activities in agricultural science, chemistry, biology, geology, meteorology, or physics.

Natural science managers usually start as a chemist, physicist, biologist, or other natural scientist.

In college I majored in Natural Science. What was your major?

In natural science, we study the phenomena of the world around us, the world of things, of objects.

They are all for natural science and engineering majors.

He received a third class in natural science in 1874.

The first difference between natural science and political science is the role of experimentation.

One is founded on the triumphant rise of natural science since the sixteenth century.

This natural science of geomancy, still practised in the East, is almost forgotten or ignored by western materialistic science.

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  • naturalness and non
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  • natural cycles
  • naturalize it
  • naturalize definition
  • natural waste
  • naturalized definition
  • natural law
  • natural nine
  • natural instinct
  • natural food
  • naturalized citizen




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