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词汇 natural resource
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natural resources───[环境]自然资源,天然资源

natural resistance───天然抵抗力

mineral resources───矿藏

valuable resource───宝贵资源

natural colour───天然色素

natural justice───自然公正;自然正义

nature reserve───n.自然保护区


The statute creates no private cause of action for natural resource damage.───法令并非导致自然资源破坏反应的秘密原因.

As natural - resource funds proliferate, they will have more opportunities to share expertise and best practices.───随着自然资源基金迅速增加, 他们有更多机会分享其专业经验和最佳技能.

You could work on local natural resource management projects for eight weeks this summer.───这个暑假,你可以在当地的自然资源管理项目中工作八周。

Both follow the cost - benefit principle based on natural resource scarcity.───两者都遵循基于自然资源稀缺性的成本与效益原则.

Theoretically, MOC is the whole cost of employing an unit of certain natural resource.───理论上, 边际机会成本应该相当于利用一单位某种自然资源的全部成本.

Wetland is the important natural resource and play an key role in life.───湿地是重要的自然资源,对人类生存起着重要作用.

One of these was how we can help countries manage and transform their natural resource wealth into long-term economic growth that spreads the benefits more fairly among their people.───一项是我们怎样才能帮助世界各国管理好自然资源财富,将其转化为长期经济增长,使其收益更公平地惠及其人民。

Oil is Kuwait's most important natural resource.───石油是科威特最重要的自然资源.

Development and natural resource amenity areas are often controversial.───自然资源开发与绿化,经常引起争议.

Natural resource multipliers are constructed based on the Input - Occupancy - Output technique.───本文在简要介绍投入 — 占用 — 产出系数表的基础上,给出了考虑固定资产占用的资源乘数计算公式.

Crude oil is a precious natural resource.───原油是一种珍贵的天然资源.

The cultivated land is the valuable natural resource, which has the characteristics of - function and - use .───耕地是宝贵的自然资源, 具有多功能、 多用途 的特性.

Second that natural resource and social resource are in one integrated mass.───二是自然资源和人文资源浑然一体.

Fresh water is a natural resource, and at the same time, a scanty resource.───摘要淡水是一种自然资源, 同时又是一种短缺资源.

They manage money drawn from reserves, natural - resource payments and the like.───他们管理着从外汇储备, 自然资源投资和其它类似的资源中抽取的资金.

Natural - resource funds mostly serve one of two purposes.───大多数自然资源基金为两个目的而建立.

Immeasurable quantity of natural resource was lost forever through misuse.───无法估量的自然资源因被滥用而永远丧失了.

  • naturalized player
  • natural born
  • naturalization process
  • naturalized or derived citizen
  • natural resource
  • naturalist william
  • naturalized meaning
  • natural states
  • naturalist intelligence
  • naturalness and non
  • natural environment
  • natural cycles
  • naturalize it
  • naturalize definition
  • natural waste
  • naturalized definition
  • natural law
  • natural nine
  • natural instinct
  • natural food
  • naturalized citizen




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