virtual environment───[计]虚拟环境
nurturing environment───培育环境
global environment───n.[环境]全球环境;地球环境
harsh environment───恶劣环境
ideal environment───理想环境
secure environment───安全环境
social environment───社会环境
Earth: the harmonious relationship between man and the natural environment.───地: 人与自然环境的和谐关系.
The natural environment is usually a somewhat Balanced ecosystem.───自然环境通常是个比较平衡的生态系统.
More and more people begin to be concerned about our natural environment.───越来越多的人开始关心我们的自然环境.
It is a charming land that boasts abundant historical relics and enjoys superb natural environment.───这是一个迷人的地方,历史遗迹丰富,自然环境优美。
Butterflies are indicators of the biodiversity of our natural environment.───蝴蝶是自然环境中生物多样性的重要指标.
More and more are beginning to be concerned about our natural environment.───4越来越多的人开始关心我们的自然环境.
The natural environment of the animal growth is always at worsen.───5:动物生长的自然环境一直在恶化.
In their natural environment, they travel of miles every day.───在自然环境中, 它们每天行走数十公里.
Melman : White sandy beaches, cleverly simulated natural environment, wide - open enclosures.───白色的沙滩, 巧妙的模拟的自然环境, 开阔的.
We need to do whatever we can do to prevent further damage to our natural environment.───我们需要竭尽所能来防止对自然环境造成更大损害。
There is little assessment of the damage to the natural environment.───没有有关自然环境破坏的评估。
Mainly due to theft and natural environment, compensation for damage.───主要赔偿由于偷盗以及自然环境造成的损失.
There are unique natural environment, rich in fishery resources.───这里有得天独厚的自然环境, 丰富的渔业资源.
Synthetic natural environment ( SNE ) is the representation of environment in M & S systems.───综合自然环境 ( SNE ) 就是在建模与仿真系统中对这些环境因素的描述.
What is the most destructive force for natural environment?───对于自然环境来说,什么是最大的破坏力量?
Ice particle is a very widespread solid media in the natural environment.───冰晶颗粒是自然环境中常见的固态物质之一.
There is little assessment of the damage to the natural environment.───几乎未对自然环境破坏程度作出评估。
Soil erosion of cure, protection, improvement and reasonable use natural environment resource.───防治水土流失 、 保护 、 改善和合理利用水土资源.
We can't overbuild a natural environment area.
Open Country Free Range Chicken in their natural environment.
All life is interdependent on the natural environment, from the smallest bacteria to the largest animal or plant - even man.
The work of managing a natural environment is inescapably a work of local knowledge.
Preserving our natural environment is a laudable goal.
Eva was back in her natural environment.
I find it a more natural environment.
We must preserve our natural environment.
However, in a natural environment a sustained response is fairly unambiguous and must indicate upward movement.
- naturalized player
- natural born
- naturalization process
- naturalized or derived citizen
- natural resource
- naturalist william
- naturalized meaning
- natural states
- naturalist intelligence
- naturalness and non
- natural environment
- natural cycles
- naturalize it
- naturalize definition
- natural waste
- naturalized definition
- natural law
- natural nine
- natural instinct
- natural food
- naturalized citizen