national holidays───国家法定假日
annual holiday───年假;一年一度的节假日
boating holiday───划船节
national code───国家编码(外贸术语)
national codes───国家标准
national flag───n.国旗
national grid───n.全国高压输电线网
national grids───n.全国高压输电线网
national library───国家图书馆
People hang flags out on the national holiday.───在国庆日,人们把国旗挂在门外.
The national holiday is approaching. Everyone except him is making preparations for the celebration.───国庆就要到了,除他之外, 所有的人都正在为此庆典准备着.
Xiaozhang is planning to spend the long national holiday travelling abroad.───小张准备利用今年国庆长假出国远游.
B should not get any extra bonus or allowance from the Chinese & U . A . E . national holiday.───国内外传统节日统一假期,甲方不予发放补贴.
National Holiday a fantastic time for all of us to restore our power for school.───国庆七天假期对我们来说是个很好的调整期.
Bastille Day is the French national holiday , celebrated on July 14 th of each year.───从此每年的7月14日就被当作法国的国庆日.
We should vote on weekends or make Election day a national holiday.───我们应当在周末投票,或让选举日成为一个国家假日。
Bastille Day ( July 14 ) has been a French national holiday since 1880.───1880年以后将7月14日这一天定为法国国庆日,即[巴士底日].
Today is a national holiday in Japan. It is Sports Day.───今天是日本的国定假日:体育日。
The day became a national holiday in 1985.───1985年,这一天成为全国性的假期.
April 4 th : National Holiday : Tomb Sweeping Day . Kindergarten will be closed.───4月4日清明节,幼儿园放假一天.
Teachers'Day is no loner a national holiday any more.───教师节 己不再是国定假日了.
April 1 a national holiday and people remember his trip by having ski - jump competitions.───4月1日在挪威是个全国性的节日.人们用跳台滑雪比赛来纪念勒尔帕的那次飞行.
Nevertheless, if possible, try to avoid going on a national holiday or at the weekend.───不过, 如果可能尽量避开法定假日和周末.
April 1 is a national holiday, and people remember his flying trip by having ski - jump competitions.───4月1日在挪威是个全国性的节日.人们用飞行滑雪比赛来纪念勒尔帕的那次飞行.
Thanksgiving was proclaimed a national holiday by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863.───1863年亚伯拉罕·林肯总统宣布感恩节为全国假日.
In the USA, Labor Day is a national holiday.───在美国,劳动节是一个国家节日。
The military review for the national holiday will officially begin at 10.───新闻发布会定在9点开始.
May Day was retained as a national holiday.
On days of national holiday we had a parade, marching up and down and singing patriotic songs.
The 4th of July is a national holiday in the US.
In this country New Year's Day is a national holiday.
People hang flags out on the national holiday.
St Patrick's Day is a national holiday in Ireland.
The Fourth of July is the national holiday of the US.
When the Senate is right we declare a national holiday.
July 1 is a national holiday in Canada.
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- national holidays
- national flag
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- national review
- national squads
- nationalities in spanish
- national library
- national code
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- national boundaries
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- national pride
- nationality citizenship
- national sovereignty