narrow down───缩小;限制;减少;变窄
narrowed down───缩小;限制;减少;变窄
narrowing down───缩小;限制;减少;变窄
throws down───推翻;扔掉
to narrow down───缩小范围
blows down───炸毁;吹倒
bows down───鞠躬
marks down───记下;减价;降低分数
mows down───割倒;摧毁;残杀
narrow lane never narrows down the spreading of happiness……───小巷虽然狭窄,却拉不住快乐蔓延的速度……
It Narrows down the search for faulty components of your computer system.───它帮助你减小你的系统的出问题的组件的搜索范围。
Our education in any field Narrows down this energy.───我们在每个领域的教育都在削弱这个能量。
Narrows down the number of lower level cost elements that should be examined using risk analysis techniques.───减少低水平成本因素的数量,这些因素应使用风险分析技术进行检测。
The agreement narrows down the range of possible options. It provides three methods to calculate a product's "normal value" .───协定缩小了可供选择途径的范围,并提供了三种方式来估算产品的“正常价值”。
Dragging a rectangle on a graph narrows down the period of time shown. This cropping affects all the perspectives.───用鼠标在柱形图上拖动一个方框将缩小显示的时段,这种剪裁将影响所有透视图。
The majority beach enlarges and mud filling merges and channel narrows down and bed River shallows etc.───因此,出现多数洲滩淤胀扩大扣淤积合并扩大,河槽变窄、河床变浅等现象;
The sea narrows down into a strait.───海变窄形成海峡。
Since there are many ways to make extra left-handed amino acids, this discovery considerably narrows down the search.───由于合成左旋氨基酸的途径有很多种,因此这一发现就可以使研究范围大大缩小。
The seventy-one-year-old steel cantilever span narrows down to two lanes as it crosses a channel that connects the Gulf to the Mississippi.
The river narrows down from here.
- narrows down