

词汇 my favourite food
释义 my favourite food
my favourite food发音



favourite food───最喜欢的食物

your favourite book───你最喜欢的书

favourite show───最喜爱的节目

favourite song───最喜欢的歌

favourite toy───最喜欢的玩具

favorite son───受拥戴的当地侯选人;受宠爱的儿子

favorite sons───受拥戴的当地侯选人;受宠爱的儿子

favourite dish───最喜欢的菜

favourite hobby───癖好


He's an inventor. He invented my favourite food.───他是一位发明家。他发明了我最喜爱的食物。

What's my favourite food?───什么是你最喜欢的食物?

But donuts are my favourite food.───但是我最喜欢的食物是面包圈。

One special cupboard to put my favourite food, you are allowed to eat stealthily, but must makeup actively.───有一个专门的柜子放我的零食,允许你偷吃,但是必须主动补充。

But I guess my favourite food of all, and what I most enjoy eating as takeaway, is Chinese food.───不过我觉得在所有国家的美食中,我最最喜欢的、外卖做得最好吃的还是中餐。

We had a great Christmas Eve dinner and of course, all my favourite food were on the table. . . hahaa!───我和家人这次都有一个非常棒的圣诞大餐,而当然所有我最爱的食物都在桌上…哈哈!

The college canteen is what I love most, where I can have my favourite food and always feel myself so good.───我最喜欢的还是学校的食堂了。在这里我可以吃到最喜欢的东西,我总是感觉自己的身体帮帮的。

Pizza has always been my favourite food.───琵萨永远是我最喜欢的食物!

eggs are my favourite food. I eat for break-fast. lunch. and dinner. I eat eggs here. there. and everywhere! Eggs taste great.───鸡蛋是我最喜欢的食物。我早上吃。中午吃。晚上吃。我这里吃。那里吃。到处都吃。鸡蛋的味道好极了。


My appetite dwindled and even my favourite food, milk chocolate, failed to raise my morale.

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